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Destiny 2

Discussioni su Destiny 2.
Modificato da SnookCharmer: 12/5/2023 2:00:57 PM

5,760 Hours to Focus One God Roll

Bungie, I know you only listen to streamers who pretend to want everything nerfed (although they always exploit cheeses and were giddy for glitch guns last season), but please consider a little math, some common sense, and casual players for once... Weapon focusing is WAY too expensive and focused weapons need 2-3 perks in columns 3 & 4! To focus a single 5/5 G*d roll nightfall weapon will require, on average, 5,760 hours: Average 7-8 options in columns 1 & 2 w/ 2 selectable options in each * average 6 options in columns 3 & 4 w/ only one option each * 5 masterwork options = 2,880 combinations. Focusing one weapon currently requires 5 engrams. Assuming 25 engrams per vanguard rank reset and 10 hours of continuous play to reset rank, that's 5,760 hours, on average, to focus one 5/5 roll. That's batsh-t crazy! 8/2 * 8/2 * 6 * 6 * 5 * (5 * 10 / 25) If you implemented the following changes, the average would drop to 115 hours, still WAY too long (equivalent of playing full-time, nothing but vanguard activities, for about 3 weeks), but slightly less insane: Drop cost from 5 engrams to 2, column 1 & 2 keep 2 selectable perks, column 3 & 4 have 2 selectable perks, allow re-rolling masterwork for 1-2 prisms. Additionally, focused adept weapons should roll with 3 options in columns 3 & 4. Non-nightfall and other vendors' focused weapons should follow the above guidelines and cost 1 engram.



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  • Excuse you.. each person plays how they want to play. Each person has their own God roll they like (doesn't even need to be the community meta God roll). So I see what your saying and crafting and drop rates are pretty ridiculous... But don't assume everyone wants the same thing.



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    2 Risposte
    • Your math is correct; but isn’t that the time required to focus every possible roll? Or am I way off? It’s been a *long* time since I’ve been in school.



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      • Modificato da jhermannITJ: 12/6/2023 2:35:35 AM
        How do people fall for this? There's other variables at play in the algorithm. "5,760 Hours to Focus One God Roll" Does anyone else see anything wrong with this? Anyone, at all? 😁 Does anyone play this game? There's going to be a lot of dismantles... surely. If you're looking for 1 specific roll? Probably most of them... maybe you keep a few others along the way, but mostly all of them you'll shard/delete... UNTIL you get your perfect roll. Now, remember the title? Who here actually focuses stuff? That's 240 days of active game-time. I play a lot... but how long has focusing been a thing? Who here has gotten that 5/5 they wanted, multiple times? Almost every time when you prioritize a specific weapon for focusing...? If this math & title was correct... no one would ever get what they want beyond sheer luck. Facts. For the record, I have terrible rng... but I still get what I want, exactly what I want. I certainly don't have 240 days of [b]STRAIGHT GAMEPLAY[/b] since focusing was introduced... I'll tell you that.



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        • Modificato da Murphy: 12/6/2023 3:56:26 AM
          While I agree with yhe premise, the argument is a bit shallow. Never have i seen anything that extreme and ive got nearly 9k hours in the game. Even farming old twilight oath was never that bad and it sucked. Yes, mist likely you wont get a 10/10 god roll with every perk you ever wanted all dolled up but you will get one that is good enough. Maybe the MW sucks but the 3rd and 4th column is perfect. Or you got the not perfect 2nd column etc but overall it shouldnt take more then a season to get one nailed down. Guess its luck and time played due to engram requirements.



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          • Totally agree. They added crafting and made the pursuit of good non crafted weapons infinitely worse. Raid adepts for example are an insane grind and gamble.



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          • Everything they're implementing to extend play time is just pushing players like myself (with 5K+ hours) further and further away. Another big fail is making so many of the Nightfalls battlegrounds. I just don't feel like grinding for nothing. If the rewards suck, it should at least be short and sweet, not long and tedious.



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          • [quote]Bungie, I know you only listen to streamers who pretend to want everything nerfed (although they always exploit cheeses and were giddy for glitch guns last season), but please consider a little math, some common sense, and casual players for once... Weapon focusing is WAY too expensive and focused weapons need 2-3 perks in columns 3 & 4! To focus a single 5/5 G*d roll nightfall weapon will require, on average, 5,760 hours: Average 7-8 options in columns 1 & 2 w/ 2 selectable options in each * average 6 options in columns 3 & 4 w/ only one option each * 5 masterwork options = 2,880 combinations. Focusing one weapon currently requires 5 engrams. Assuming 25 engrams per vanguard rank reset and 10 hours of continuous play to reset rank, that's 5,760 hours, on average, to focus one 5/5 roll. That's batsh-t crazy! 8/2 * 8/2 * 6 * 6 * 5 * (5 * 10 / 25) If you implemented the following changes, the average would drop to 115 hours, still WAY too long (equivalent of playing full-time, nothing but vanguard activities, for about 3 weeks), but slightly less insane: Drop cost from 5 engrams to 2, column 1 & 2 keep 2 selectable perks, column 3 & 4 have 2 selectable perks, allow re-rolling masterwork for 1-2 prisms. Additionally, focused adept weapons should roll with 3 options in columns 3 & 4. Non-nightfall and other vendors' focused weapons should follow the above guidelines and cost 1 engram.[/quote] Have you ever played another MMO game? Be grateful its only that long lmao some games have a less than 1% drop rate for gear and thats not even counting the stats that could spawn on it lmao. Anyways unlike those games all that really matters are perks 1&2 and at max the masterwork. When we are talking about GLs then yea the mag perk also matters



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            7 Risposte
            • News flash, you can play everything in the game without focusing or crafting a single thing.



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              • Casual players aren't grinding for 5/5 god rolls, my boy.



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                4 Risposte
                • Personally I think it should be reduced to 1 engram per focus, at least after the weapon is unlocked in collections but that’s just me. I know I’ll get some hate for it but hey it’s my opinion. And bungie won’t listen anyway. The same goes for exotic armor focusing at rahool, 1 exotic engram to focus 1 piece of armor.



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                  • Modificato da Ogma: Destroyer of Worlds: 12/5/2023 6:35:44 PM
                    This is why I was already playing less. The return to the “joy” of the random drop is not it. What’s fun is trying out new weapons with builds. What’s not fun is 99.9% of activity completions and focuses being disappointing. I want to play more because I get new things to try out. Not because nothing I want ever drops and I’m expected to excessively grind for months or even over a year to get a specific roll I want for a particular weapon. This is also why I’m not paying for any more dungeons unless they get the raid treatment with focusing and crafting. I have never gotten a dungeon weapon roll that I want from any dungeon, ever. They’re a meme at this point. Basically everyone I play with just does their single weekly run and then two boss CPs until they get the exotic and then never touches it again. I’ve been gaming for over 30 years and farming dungeon weapon rolls in this game is easily the most unforgiving and disappointing experience of my gaming life. Just remember this: there are ZERO reasons that benefit the player for excluding anything from crafting. ZERO. It’s still RNG but it’s built in bad luck protection. They could easily make everything craftable and balance red order acquisition accordingly. The WQ year was the most fun I’ve ever had in this game, largely because of how much was craftable. It’s the year I logged the most time. You catch more flies with honey Bungie….



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                  • In pve -blam!- god roll isn’t needed and in pvp only the top echelon of players will be able to notice the slight differences between each roll



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                    • Modificato da Eatz: 12/5/2023 10:15:22 PM
                      So you’re telling me the 40 god rolls I have took me over 200,000 hours to get I get the feeling you didn’t go to MIT



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                      26 Risposte
                      • Your math is atrocious



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                        • Modificato da whateverman7: 12/6/2023 5:09:42 PM
                          So let me get this straight: you want less perk options so you can get your god roll? Lol, how about no. Less perk options are always a negative. Makes the game boring getting the same perk combos. Need an example, look at when d2 launched. Next, it's unrealistic to chase god rolls that have everything you want in every column, hence why the majority don't do it lol. The majority try to get the perk combo they want, and then either the barrel or masterwork they want. If they happen to get lucky and get more than that, great, but that's not what they chase. Even if they did limit the perk options, whose determining what perks are chosen? Say that cause people's god roll weapons vary based on their playstyle. So 1 shouldn't be punished and not able to get the roll they want because someone else thinks it's too hard to get the roll they want. Currently, we all can go after the rolls we want, which is how it should be. I get it, you don't like the how the figures break down going for your god roll, that's cool. Suggesting them changing the game to suit you, not cool. Either play or don't.



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                          4 Risposte
                          • Modificato da Seki: 12/5/2023 9:43:05 AM
                            You should approach the problem a little more realisticly. Do you need a perfect masterwork, barrel and mag? Or can you do with almost every barrel anyway because it doesn't matter too much (unless pulserifle)? That being said, it is still depressing sometimes. The dungeon weapons are terrible in this regard. I farmed myself a Last breath from the cube room in prophecy. 1/36 for the last 2 perks, 1/3 to get LB from the encounter makes it a 1/108 chance per encounter and this is one of the better ones when it comes to the odds. Should you want a specific last 2 perks of No survivors, you can do 1st or 2nd encounter in Ghosts of the deep for a 1/6 * 1/36 making it 1/216 chance per encounter. Should a weapon roll require column 2 as well, then everything is lost: Cataphract is a 1/49 for envious +B&S and you need spikes (another 2/7) makes it a 0.58% to get the roll (not talking barrels or MW). You can imagine the amount of trials resets for this on average for yourself. I also farmed for a Lingering dread with holster, chill clip and disorient with no luck. 2/5 for the disorient, 1/36 for holster+chillclip Then either 1/5 in the first encounter or 1/11 with Caiatl. There is also this terrible ruling where master caiatl cannot drop the thing (as opposed to normal) so you cannot get to farming this alongside a more efficient artifice farm. And you can always be unlucky and crash the average amounts without getting one.



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                            2 Risposte
                            • TLDR I’m glad you finally got your god roll or sorry you’re still chasing that god roll.



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                              1 Rispondi
                              • Unless you love the weapon, there is really no point in focusing for THE godroll. As for nightfall weapons, just rank up and cash in those easy 3-3 slots. Many of us are happy with 3/5 godrolls. Perks are the main thing to play for.



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                              • Yup a design to extend players time to please the execs in Bungo, it's not our game it's the corpos game now. Because the changes is made for someone who doesn't play the game. Even I'm starting to play less these days, most of the time I get on to help friends with the dungeon and raid.



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                              • [quote]Bungie, I know you only listen to streamers who pretend to want everything nerfed[/quote] JFC, you people.



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                                1 Rispondi
                                • Modificato da Shockwave 989: 12/5/2023 2:26:53 PM
                                  Farm nightfalls. Easy resets in no time at all. Also your 5/5 requirement is far too stringent when for PvE you will, at most, only care about mag, perk 1, perk 2. You can chase the barrel and masterwork, but that’s for incredibly small benefits. (Also each reset adds the chance for additional perks up to 3 in either perk column) Edit: Oh this is specific to nightfall weapons! Well then, easy. Farm high level nightfalls.



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                                  14 Risposte
                                  • Assuming there was only ONE weapon. Only ONE viable "God" roll on that weapon. FOMO Panic I miss that lucky moment in my life where the one-armed bandit granted me the jackpot. Looking into my vault. Ups. I seem to have a different problem...



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                                  • Or you could just get lucky and get a random drop with everything you want on it the first try. Looter shooters, gotta love 'em.



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