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postato inizialmente in: 5,760 Hours to Focus One God Roll
12/5/2023 11:30:58 PM
[quote]Bungie, I know you only listen to streamers who pretend to want everything nerfed (although they always exploit cheeses and were giddy for glitch guns last season), but please consider a little math, some common sense, and casual players for once... Weapon focusing is WAY too expensive and focused weapons need 2-3 perks in columns 3 & 4! To focus a single 5/5 G*d roll nightfall weapon will require, on average, 5,760 hours: Average 7-8 options in columns 1 & 2 w/ 2 selectable options in each * average 6 options in columns 3 & 4 w/ only one option each * 5 masterwork options = 2,880 combinations. Focusing one weapon currently requires 5 engrams. Assuming 25 engrams per vanguard rank reset and 10 hours of continuous play to reset rank, that's 5,760 hours, on average, to focus one 5/5 roll. That's batsh-t crazy! 8/2 * 8/2 * 6 * 6 * 5 * (5 * 10 / 25) If you implemented the following changes, the average would drop to 115 hours, still WAY too long (equivalent of playing full-time, nothing but vanguard activities, for about 3 weeks), but slightly less insane: Drop cost from 5 engrams to 2, column 1 & 2 keep 2 selectable perks, column 3 & 4 have 2 selectable perks, allow re-rolling masterwork for 1-2 prisms. Additionally, focused adept weapons should roll with 3 options in columns 3 & 4. Non-nightfall and other vendors' focused weapons should follow the above guidelines and cost 1 engram.[/quote] Have you ever played another MMO game? Be grateful its only that long lmao some games have a less than 1% drop rate for gear and thats not even counting the stats that could spawn on it lmao. Anyways unlike those games all that really matters are perks 1&2 and at max the masterwork. When we are talking about GLs then yea the mag perk also matters



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  • Destiny isn’t an mmo. Mmo just entails player count, that is players able to be in same instance in large numbers. Massive Multiplayer Online. You’re talking about rpg elements, Drop rates of equipment. Those have no set in stone rates, they can vary wildly. That said, a shooter rpg that has insanely low drop rates isn’t justified by a mmo rpg having lower rates. Especially considering most mmo rpgs have sets, with scaling bonuses, which justify low drops. Destiny has stand alone gear without scaling bonuses. Apples to oranges.



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  • [quote]Destiny isn’t an mmo. Mmo just entails player count, that is players able to be in same instance in large numbers. Massive Multiplayer Online. You’re talking about rpg elements, Drop rates of equipment. Those have no set in stone rates, they can vary wildly. That said, a shooter rpg that has insanely low drop rates isn’t justified by a mmo rpg having lower rates. Especially considering most mmo rpgs have sets, with scaling bonuses, which justify low drops. Destiny has stand alone gear without scaling bonuses. Apples to oranges.[/quote] Destiny is a MMO Devs literally classifies itself as that. Literally look on steam its marked as MMORPG [quote]You’re talking about rpg elements, Drop rates of equipment. Those have no set in stone rates, they can vary wildly. That said, a shooter rpg that has insanely low drop rates isn’t justified by a mmo rpg having lower rates.[/quote] This is also a nothing sandwich where none of what you said really matters because Destinys drops work identically to any other MMO with world drops and activity specific drops. Also whats this “no set in stone rate” i guess youve never actually played a MMO before lol cause every MMO has a drop rate when it comes to loot tables they aren’t all evenly divided. Not every MMO involves scaling bonuses to armor, again further showing you dont know what a MMO is But hey you make up your own info, “facts” (very losely using that word) and sources all the time



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  • Modificato da SnookCharmer: 12/6/2023 1:51:33 AM
    You do realize the chance of getting a decent 3/5 roll by focusing an engram is only 0.6%? That's far less than 1%. And the chance of getting 5/5 roll is 1 in 2,880?



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  • [quote]You do realize the chance of getting a decent 3/5 roll by focusing an engram is only 0.6%? That's far less than 1%. And the chance of getting 5/5 roll is 1 in 2,880?[/quote] Matters on the gun mind giving a example lmao



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  • People that don't play mmos not liking mmos



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  • [quote]People that don't play mmos not liking mmos[/quote] I just dont get why people complain about drops as if they dont know what kind of hame they are playing. Like im not a massive fan of Bungie but I genuinely do feel bad when they make some things easier yet people still complain and ask for more stuff to be made even easier.



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  • I imagine it's mostly people where destiny is their first taste of an mmo, meanwhile many of us lasting players probably dipped our toes into wow, guild wars, final fantasy etc. The new playerbase seems very entitled with the whole, I paid for it so why is it too hard for me to beat? Like they think pay to play and pay to win are the same thing. I can't see most destiny players surviving in a real mmo without throwing their credit card at the screen to buy gold for tradable items. Imagine doing a 4h raid to not just miss the exotic, but to get nothing of worth 30 times in a row because someone else rolled on the gear the 1 time something good popped up XD. It makes it feel so much more satisfying when you do get that drop because you really had to earn it. Now with destiny people complain because only 99% of the gun is amazing and their missing the barrel mod that's slightly better so its trash, the game is trash and they flock to the forums; Not knowing that most of a guns usefulness in destiny is based on the archetype and perks are just flavor.



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