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postato inizialmente in: 5,760 Hours to Focus One God Roll
Modificato da Eatz: 12/5/2023 10:15:22 PM
So you’re telling me the 40 god rolls I have took me over 200,000 hours to get I get the feeling you didn’t go to MIT



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  • [quote]So you’re telling me the 40 god rolls I have took me over 200,000 hours to get I get the feeling you didn’t go to MIT[/quote] That’s not what he’s saying. The game is RNG, and some people may have more luck than others. In addition to that, he’s talking about vanguard weapons, which have like 12 perks in EACH column. Much harder to get a god roll of than something like a Raid or Dungeon weapon which only have 4-6 perks per column.



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  • Hence why they drop with multiple more perks with every prestige, even then they’re really easy to get, this guy is just bad at math and exaggerating a simple system



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  • [quote]Hence why they drop with multiple more perks with every prestige, even then they’re really easy to get, this guy is just bad at math and exaggerating a simple system[/quote] I think he is exaggerating, as attaining a god roll is not crazy difficult, but I am with him on focusing costs. I mean, I’ve never gotten -blam!- Frozen Orbit, and I find it absolutely asinine that it costs as many engrams as a Mercurial Overreach. But to each their own, I guess.



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  • I'm not exaggerating. I posted the f'n' math. LOL. To be fair, if there are 2,880 combinations, that doesn't mean no one will ever get the specific combination they want until their 2,880th try. Nor does it guarantee anyone will ever get their combination, whether they try two thousand or two million times. I'm not going to run a Monte Carlo simulation (you probably thought that was an auto rifle) to determine the exact number of tries it will take to achieve an x percentage, say 95%, likelihood. But I will say that a specific combination will, on average, only drop once per 2,880 tries.



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  • [quote]I'm not exaggerating. I posted the f'n' math. LOL. To be fair, if there are 2,880 combinations, that doesn't mean no one will ever get the specific combination they want until their 2,880th try. Nor does it guarantee anyone will ever get their combination, whether they try two thousand or two million times. I'm not going to run a Monte Carlo simulation (you probably thought that was an auto rifle) to determine the exact number of tries it will take to achieve an x percentage, say 95%, likelihood. But I will say that a specific combination will, on average, only drop once per 2,880 tries.[/quote] Well that’s absolute bs, and your math is wrong as 90% of the people on here have said. Last time I checked, 100% of people who got a god roll did not get it after 2,880 weapon drops.



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  • Modificato da SnookCharmer: 12/6/2023 1:07:33 AM
    Correct. As I stated, a perfect 5/5 will drop once every 2,880 times, ON AVERAGE. Did you not notice how many times I used the disclaimer "on average"? Without busting out some calculus or using a probabilistic forecasting method like a Monte Carlo simulation, I can't give you a precise likelihood after x number of tries, but perhaps you can follow the numbers below: Let's say there are 2,880 combinations. There's a .034% chance a player will get a specific combination on their first try. Because the odds are fixed (same number of combinations available on second try) rather than dynamic (think Blackjack, assuming there's no continuous shuffle machine, where the odds change slightly from one hand to the next depending on the composition of the undealt cards remaining), the odds of not getting a god roll the first time but getting it on the second try are 99.976%*0.034% which rounds to 0.034% but is actually ever-so-slightly less than the original percentage. Odds of one of those two rolls being perfect are the two numbers added together. So after 30 tries, you'll have ~ .01% chance. Multiply that by the total number of D2 players and, yeah, tons of people will have a perfect 5/5 within a reasonable amount of time. And tens of thousands more will have what they call a god roll, but may only have 3/5 options (1 in 144 chance, assuming only one option in columns 3 &4). If it's a weapon that drops with two selectable options in column 3 or 4, or both, the odds double or quadruple, but again, it's a 3/5 not 5/5. If you're so sure my math is wrong, please post yours.



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  • 1/2880, that means chance to get one out of 2,880 while those who happen to get the god roll have better luck than the rest. For others? Might take more than 2,880 because it's not guaranteed to drop in that 2,880 attempts



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  • [quote]1/2880, that means chance to get one out of 2,880 while those who happen to get the god roll have better luck than the rest. For others? Might take more than 2,880 because it's not guaranteed to drop in that 2,880 attempts[/quote] Every person I know has never farmed a weapon for even in the same realm if 2,880 drops. And every person I know has many god rolls. I mean, if you really think god rolls are a 1/2880 drop, you’re crazy.



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  • Unless the "god roll" is more than one, it's 1/2880 with the post's listed combination. Two god rolls make it 1/1440, three makes is 1/960 so how many god rolls are there? And wouldn't having more than one means it's not an absolute god roll?



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  • 5700 hours to get a god roll? -blam!- your math, that’s simply not the case at all.



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  • Modificato da SnookCharmer: 12/6/2023 1:04:53 AM
    Yeah, f--k math. Good one. In 10 years, if and when you're in college, try telling that to your professor. But thank you! It's statistically challenged people like you who keep our parks pretty buy purchasing lottery tickets, thinking they have a 50/50 chance of winning... either they'll win or they won't.



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  • Modificato da Eatz: 12/6/2023 12:51:03 AM
    Idiot, it’s not taking me 8 MONTHS per god roll in this game. Either you’re a complete troll, an attention seeker or you DO NOT PLAY THE GAME. Cange your clickbait title or shut the -blam!- up



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  • Modificato da SnookCharmer: 12/6/2023 12:26:55 AM
    And the fact that Bungie does obviously know what the Monte Carlo method is proves someone there understands statistics. But that person obviously didn't make the decision to charge 5 engrams and only provide one perk in column 3 and one in column 4 of focused weapons.



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  • Modificato da Eatz: 12/5/2023 11:06:33 PM
    Honestly I prefer it, glimmer is easy to get and they not only increased the engram drops but they also feel more valuable when they do instead of just clogging inventory



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  • Idk, I guess we’ll see what they have planned for us in TFS. Because right now, most people don’t even bother going for random drop weapons because getting craftables are just so much easier to obtain. Why wait to get a time gated Rose when you can just craft Austringer or Kept Confidence?



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  • Ah yes, the bastardized version of Warframe crafting



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  • Warframe crafting largely sucks, we’ve had this discussion. The mod system is where the actual fun is and is more comparable to what Destiny 2 has, given the crafting effects the stats and not the weapon type itself. Not to mention Warframe doesn’t have a static drop system.



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  • [quote]Warframe crafting largely sucks, we’ve had this discussion.[/quote] When bungie copy it and make it into a slog of testing your luck on red border or spend five weeks for the guaranteed drop? I'm not going to do a five hours grind stretched over five weeks for no good reason [quote]Not to mention Warframe doesn’t have a static drop system[/quote] [url=]This is the official drop tables from DE, complete with drop rate[/url], do bungie have anything like this?



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  • Modificato da Shockwave 989: 12/7/2023 2:22:43 PM
    I’m sorry do you honestly think that Warframe invented crafting? Also doesn’t have anything to do with what I said. When I say static drops, I am referring to a set combination of randomised perks like Destiny has, where weapon crafting allows you utter control over your weapon with only playtime to level the thing or resource sinking required. It’s not comparable to Warframe weapon crafting OR it’s mod system, because if you want to make a weapon in Warframe better levelling it only gets you more mod energy, at least until you’re MR 30, where it does nothing but allow you to slot Forma so that you can make the cost less to maximise your build crafting. Plus I’d rather farm a weekly red border than farm ESO for weapon parts that have a drop rate worse than raid exotics. Edit: If you want to complain about Destiny the one thing you should never do is argue about the length of the grind. Warframe only gets away with it because of the trading system, and other players will absolutely gouge you for the stuff you need. Going to go check the two hour Cambrian Drift rotation so I can see if any of the Vaults have spawned with that one puzzle room so that I can farm the boss at the bottom for the one Necromech mod that actually matters in its loot table with an abysmal drop rate. For those of you keeping track that’s a two hour wait for a chance to farm what you want, where you have to physically check if you can farm it as there’s no indicator besides actively searching for it.



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  • [quote]I’m sorry do you honestly think that Warframe invented crafting?[/quote] Where did I say Warframe invented crafting? Warframe has crafting system and bungie copy that or we would see another model of crafting derived from other games [quote]When I say static drops, I am referring to a set combination of randomised perks like Destiny has, where weapon crafting allows you utter control over your weapon with only playtime to level the thing or resource sinking required.[/quote] No difference to mods in Warframe where you fully control your weapon perks [quote]It’s not comparable to Warframe weapon crafting OR it’s mod system, because if you want to make a weapon in Warframe better levelling it only gets you more mod energy, at least until you’re MR 30, where it does nothing but allow you to slot Forma so that you can make the cost less to maximise your build crafting.[/quote] And you don't need to level up or sink anything in your crafted weapons when you want to change perks? [quote]Plus I’d rather farm a weekly red border than farm ESO for weapon parts that have a drop rate worse than raid exotics.[/quote] Oh, we have raid exotic drop rate? Where? And being better than 2% weekly doesn't really translate to be better when you only have one chance to get or the game telling you "f*ck off and try again next week" [quote]If you want to complain about Destiny the one thing you should never do is argue about the length of the grind. Warframe only gets away with it because of the trading system, and other players will absolutely gouge you for the stuff you need.[/quote] Other than some outliers like ESO, almost everything in Warframe is easily acquired in a day or two and you're not limited to weekly drop and wait until weekly reset [quote]Going to go check the two hour Cambrian Drift rotation so I can see if any of the Vaults have spawned with that one puzzle room so that I can farm the boss at the bottom for the one Necromech mod that actually matters in its loot table with an abysmal drop rate.[/quote] What mod that is only dropped from puzzle room necramech?



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  • When you decide to claim that Bungie copy it from Warframe when the crafting system in Destiny and the modding system in Warframe are vastly different. For one thing, Warframe actually allows for far more customisation, because outside of sweeping nerfs like Crowd Control and AoE weapons Warframe isn’t particularly bothered about builds being overpowered, because the majority falter in high level/steel path without team synergy. Day or two? Have you ever tried farming a set of Arcanes? Syndicate items locked behind a reputation wall? Specific Railjack weapons? Hell, intrinsics from Railjack or Duviri. Most of the game is a slog, because it’s a looter. That’s the reality of it. It’d take longer if the majority of players weren’t sitting on an abundance of resources that make crafting requirements a joke unless a new resource is added (that’s why most new frames have those weird requirements). There’s also the really stupid fact that you still have a big fat wait from when you acquire all a weapon/warframe’s parts and can actually use it, because having a 12/72 hour wait to actually get your item is fun. Must not run many Orphix missions if you don’t know what I’m talking about. Hah, something I know that you don’t. It’s also several mods, I’m just singling out the one mod most people actually want from it. Necramech Repair. To summarise my thoughts, in Destiny you have to individually farm a weapon, pattern or not. It drops with the roll you want or you get the pattern, you’re done. In Warframe, you can farm out a weapons parts and build it, but unless you already have the mods chances are the thing it going to be useless in anything remotely challenging. Bungie have the issue of having a horrible new player experience because they don’t onboard them in any significant way. Warframe has a horrible new player experience because there is just so much you need to farm before you can stand at a reasonable level. God forbid you don’t open a wiki or build guide either, I imagine that would be horrible.



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  • [quote]For one thing, Warframe actually allows for far more customisation, because outside of sweeping nerfs like Crowd Control and AoE weapons Warframe isn’t particularly bothered about builds being overpowered, because the majority falter in high level/steel path without team synergy.[/quote] Explain how we have people mad enough to bring MK-1 Braton to Steel Path because it should be impossible if majority falter in high level/steel path [quote]Day or two? Have you ever tried farming a set of Arcanes? Syndicate items locked behind a reputation wall? Specific Railjack weapons? Hell, intrinsics from Railjack or Duviri.[/quote] [quote]Other than some outliers like ESO, almost everything in Warframe is easily acquired in a day or two and you're not limited to weekly drop and wait until weekly reset[/quote] [quote]Most of the game is a slog, because it’s a looter. That’s the reality of it. It’d take longer if the majority of players weren’t sitting on an abundance of resources that make crafting requirements a joke unless a new resource is added (that’s why most new frames have those weird requirements).[/quote] When you have materials littering the map, you would have thousands just from playing for a few sessions provided you don't rush to the extraction and you end up having many times more than needed [quote]There’s also the really stupid fact that you still have a big fat wait from when you acquire all a weapon/warframe’s parts and can actually use it, because having a 12/72 hour wait to actually get your item is fun.[/quote] 12/72 hours of waiting compared to crafted weapons obtaining stretched over five weeks? Much shorter than red border acquiring [quote]Must not run many Orphix missions if you don’t know what I’m talking about. Hah, something I know that you don’t. It’s also several mods, I’m just singling out the one mod most people actually want from it. Necramech Repair.[/quote] You want that? I did orphix but forgot to exchange and you don't really need that mod when both necramech have ability to negate damage and available anytime [quote]God forbid you don’t open a wiki or build guide either, I imagine that would be horrible.[/quote] When you have to open a wiki to see numbers in destiny? I don't think destiny is any better



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  • More recent buffs to weapons and crit builds being broken with a very particular slash proc mod. I’m so glad you decided to quote all that yet only address the non-complaint about material costs. 12/72 hours AFTER acquiring the weapon components/resources through a grind that takes time. Destiny has a safety feature in red border focusing so that it will take at maximum 5 weeks to acquire a red border. If you farm it, get lucky or use harmonisers, it’ll be far quicker. And once you get the pattern there’s no arbitrary timer you have to wait to complete before you get to use the thing you’ve already earned. You completely missed the point was that in Warframe that 12/72 hours consists of nothing but waiting, unless you spend the plat of course. Well yes because once you actually start using them for high level open world/Railjack stuff avoiding that death timer becomes the top priority. Helps Voidrig a lot. Comparing the actual stat increase on a perk to pages and pages of drop tables and reward rotations is quite funny. If I’m farming for Dungeon or Raid gear I’ve rarely had to open up a wiki to find out what I’m supposed to be farming them from. I honestly don’t know why you keep making these comparisons as if Warframe is the completely superior game. Now, if we were to argue content delivery or just general community support you’d have a slam dunk. Don’t think I’ve had faster responses that usually resolve my issue from anyone other than DE and I’ve never spent anything on the game.



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  • [quote]12/72 hours AFTER acquiring the weapon components/resources through a grind that takes time. Destiny has a safety feature in red border focusing so that it will take at maximum 5 weeks to acquire a red border. If you farm it, get lucky or use harmonisers, it’ll be far quicker.[/quote] 5 weeks where you only do the activity for less than a day and then wait for 6 days until weekly reset, that's up to 30 days of waiting assuming you always get the red border you want or you can choose which red border you want to drop. That's ten times of waiting time in Warframe so I don't think another three days after that long is acceptable [quote]Well yes because once you actually start using them for high level open world/Railjack stuff avoiding that death timer becomes the top priority. Helps Voidrig a lot.[/quote] Considering you have to layers of protection from storm shroud and shield gating, I don't think necramech repair will help on high level where you take more damage than the mod. Good news, today's new content adds that mod in the shop so now you don't need to do orphix or hoping for RNG drop [quote]Comparing the actual stat increase on a perk to pages and pages of drop tables and reward rotations is quite funny. If I’m farming for Dungeon or Raid gear I’ve rarely had to open up a wiki to find out what I’m supposed to be farming them from.[/quote] Market pages show where to get the blueprints if it's not available from there and you have chat bot if you ask where to get something. Ask that KickBot, I'm sure it's happy to answer [quote]I honestly don’t know why you keep making these comparisons as if Warframe is the completely superior game.[/quote] Because from many aspects, it is superior for me



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  • Who tf cares about Warframe bro. If you’re a Warframe player, then this game doesn’t concern you and you have no reason to be here.



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