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11/29/2018 3:47:00 AM

Up vote to take out RNG cosmetics out of obtaining seals

Let’s make thousands of post about this and that should have to take these ghost sparrows ships out of obtaining seals WHO AGREED

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  • Been waiting for the gambit ship to drop for over 2 months! Nearly 400 games, rank 5 and killed the meatball first 15+ times. It’s so stupid and frustrating

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  • This post really exemplifies my problems with seals, and since I’m not seeing any coverage on this anymore, I’m saying something now so maybe it can get more notice.

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  • I am bringing it up in a meeting today. I will let the team know that RNG cosmetics and Braytech weapons being tied to Titles are causing a lot of frustration in the community. Please keep posting about your feedback about this. Thanks.

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    77 Replies
    • Edited by Rin X: 12/3/2018 1:02:27 AM
      Well great. You messed up your opportunity to also mention that these seals should take HARDWORK AND SKILL to achieve. Otherwise everyone will have these seals and then other people will complain that seals are pointless/too easy.

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    • No achievements should ever be locked behind RNG. As a result, I’m flat out not interested in getting said achievements and look at those that have them as “Yay for you getting lucky. 🙄” I’ve become the same way with exotics. They’re so rare now (and still getting repeats) that I can’t get excited about the new ones. Why? At the rate things are dropping, I’ll never get to play with them. And I’ve got quite a lot of hours and activities completed since it was “tweaked”. Since they aren’t dropping, and have little to no chance of dropping, I’m rapidly losing interest. 🤷‍♂️

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      8 Replies
      • Totally agree!...Can't get my Wayfarer because of RNG drops...ridiculous!

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        • Edited by AlphaHydrae8: 11/30/2018 4:13:08 PM
          THANK YOU. I've HAD all the elements needed for the Cursebreaker title the moment it was made available. I have been dedicated to the Dreaming City every week since Forsaken dropped and I had only JUST gotten my first cosmetic from the Shattered Throne. (The ship). I think thats its pretty effing ridiculous that I've been dedicated to Forsaken since day 1 and I did not see a single sparrow ghost or ship until the first day of season 5. Beyond ridiculous. When I see people with that title (I've only ever seen 2 people with it), all I could think was "Wow, RNG favored that son of a gun." You take away from the value of EARNING a title by attaching a raffle to it. Why not just make the ship sparrow and ghost easier to grind for? Give us more opportunities to get it, not just once a week activities. Maybe make them drop from the Well the more grind it? Edit: To add, The Rivensbane title is BS. I know people who have done everything, including the PETRAS RUN FOR CHRIST SAKE, but can't have the title because they're waiting on an effing sparrow. Thats just a SLAP IN THE FACE. Petras Run alone should automatically award you the 3 cosmetics if you're still missing them. Theres no emblem or any other form of recognition associated with a Petras Run, one of the hardest things to do in the game, but they're cheated out of their title because, the sparrow won't drop for them. BEYOND ridiculous. That is a blatant slap in the face from Bungie.

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          2 Replies
          • I mean hell, let’s just give everyone titles they don’t have to work for or grind for because we are all entitled cunts, yeh! Great -blam!-ing plan. Go swallow some more dumbass.

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            3 Replies
            • There are no titles in World of Warcraft-which is basically where the achievement system came from, especially the titles-that rely on RNG. There are [i]achievements[/i] that do-off the top of my head I can think of one that requires RNG mount drops to complete-but as far as I know, there's no title that requires an RNG drop to get it. And especially not the RNG on top of RNG that is Dredgen. That'd be like telling a WoW player that they needed to kill the Lich KIng [i]and[/i] a rare spawn [i]and[/i] hope that it drops rare items to get the Kingslayer title for killing the Lich King. That's dumb.

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              • Specifically the Warmind stuff.

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              • I've grinded gambit until my eyes have started bleeding and still no ship or sparrow will drop and that's all I need to be Dredgen

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                17 Replies
                • Edited by Tnilc: 11/29/2018 4:22:08 PM
                  100% agree. Why was this ever a good idea, Bungie? I thought the seals were meant to show a players commitment and effort along with in game achievements. Not how lucky you got.

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                  5 Replies
                  • I don’t think RNG needs to go. Just needs to be adjusted or give the player a feeling of control over the RNG like what they did with the Nightfalls to be able to up your chance after a 100K run to be able to obtain the Nightfall exklusives. If RNG goes then the joy goes also with obtaining these random drops. It’s one of the biggest things in the game to feel rewarded. It’s part of an MMO. If you change that then you change the whole game.

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                    5 Replies
                    • If they take out the rng parts they need to place hard to obtain items in there then.

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                      2 Replies
                      • Not me I fine with the replayability but have fun crying

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                        • Downvoted because begging for upvotes

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                          • Seals!

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                            2 Replies
                            • Can’t do it now or people who have put in the work will be pissed. I spent a ridiculous amount of time in Gambit and if some pissbaby becomes a Dredgen because Bungie made it easy I’m not going to be happy. In the future yes, but not now.

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                              18 Replies
                              • Yeah, sort of annoying. You could play for a week and not see the meatball, let alone beat it. then to not get the ship or sparrow if you do beat it is a swift kick to the balls.

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                              • You seem to have significant issues understanding what Bungie defines as content.

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                              • I made a post like this recently as well. Good to see more people are aware of this.

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                                1 Reply
                                • I just wish they'd take their anti-grinder algorithms out and give everyone a level playing field for RNG. I know that's one solution to the "how to you keep the hardcore players happy but make the casuals more willing to play?" question, but it's not exactly the fair solution.

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                                  8 Replies
                                  • Seals should be challenging and hard and based on determination to get them done and not tied to RNG of items you get from engrams from NPC's

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                                    • Nerf the triumphs

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                                    • The RNG gets to the point that it just feels abusive towards the player base. Sucks that the only way they know how to add replay value is to withhold meaningless cosmetic items.

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                                    • I don't think they should be removed but your chances of getting things you don't have should improve every drop. I've been lucky with the first 2 seals I have chased but I know there are some that may never get an item. It did take me 54 EP completions to get a weapon but the other 2 came really quickly. The games based on RNG si it should be included in achievements but there is room for adjustments so players will know that eventually the item will drop. I believe the Unbroken title isn't tied to rng you could go for that one.

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