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8/16/2013 11:03:56 PM

Anyone a fan of DnB/Jungle here?

Hi there flood. It's been a little while. I come to you today for two reasons. 1. Shamelessly self-promote and 2. for good old fashioned conversation (should any occur). Specifically in regards to Drum and Bass. Primarily, I wanted to share my latest mix with the good ole fam. I've included a link my latest mix, D.O.A. If you like drum and bass/jungle or maybe want to give something new a try, please have a listen, download a copy, and/or tell me what you think. Hell, troll away if you feel so inclined. I'm old and jaded, you don't phase me. ;-) Here on of course, please don't take it to my soundcloud. It's 51 minutes, 25 tracks, no post editing, no bullshit. Just some raw 179 bpm (in fairness the last two tracks are actually 89.5 bpm). I'd like to think there's a little something for everyone. There's some metal influence in there, some hip hop, some blues, and so on. It's a little vocal heavy but depending on your tastes, that could be right up your alley as well. A little background on me, I've been into EDM, electonica, whatever the hell you want to call it since the late 90s. Started going to shows, putting on shows, and djing around 2000. I perform semi-frequently regionally. It's my hobby, not a career unfortunately but I love doing it and in particular enjoy being an ambassador for DnB. In terms of performing, I started out on vinyl and that is still my first love but I do use vinyl emulation software (Traktor) a lot now (what can I say, digital is cheaper, lighter, and doesn't degrade in the same capacity as vinyl) but it's still my good ole turntables. Anyway, like I said, if anyone is interested in DnB please give a listen. I'm curious to see who here might be into it. Once the dubstep craze hit, DnB went back underground for the most parts here in the states. I think there was a little slump in production from around '09-'12 or so (speaking of which, you're welcome dubstep, there's a lot of former DnB producers that really helped expand the genre) but since mid to late 2012, the genre has been on fire again and that makes me very excited. I'm a junglist through and through. Any other junglists out there?

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