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Destiny 2

Dyskutuj o wszystkim, co dotyczy Destiny 2.
5/22/2024 9:18:36 PM

We still have another option guardians

If your not happy about the nerfs show it with your wallet or if it's too late that way show with your game time ,all it takes is not to play the first week to 2 weeks of final shape release if player count tank's like it did lightfall then bungie possibly will be forced to listen or sony will step in ,we have proven in the past as a community if we don't agree with what bungie is doing to go of strike and not pay or play for a short time and it worked, it resulted in the best pvp sandbox we've had in a long time, exotics being buffed ,free armor that was going to be in the eververse,maps brought back, content like onslaught was to bring players back etc It only takes 1 to 2 weeks not playing or mass refunds to get bungies attention

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