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Edytowany przez użytkownika nicky :3: 5/20/2024 6:48:09 AM

Ritual Playlist Bonus Not Working

I first noticed this a few weeks ago, when the ritual playlist bonus was double crucible drops. I was playing competitive all week in the hopes to get double artifice armour drops but despite dozens of games, I did not once get two pieces of artifice armour from a win. In past seasons, this has applied to trials of osiris and I've gotten two adept weapons while at 7 wins while the modifier was active but for some reason it was not working for ranked recently. This week the current bonus is for vanguard reputation, and in the screenshot I linked, you can clearly see that I am on a 5 streak, and that I got +449 reputation while you also see my friend who is also on a 5 streak got double the amount of reputation that I received, +899. Strike after strike, my friend was consistently getting twice the amount of reputation despite us being in the same fireteam and both on a 5 streak. This is disappointing since the weekly ritual playlist bonus has a big influence on what I spend time doing in destiny 2, and all this time I've been getting half the amount of loot that everybody else has been getting. I understand that it's pretty much impossible to compensate me for the time I've spent getting less rewards than I should, but I do really hope this gets fixed and I might just stop playing destiny 2, or at least ritual activities until this is resolved.
#Help #gameplay #bug

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