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5/18/2024 3:27:55 PM

Forged Anew quest (New Territory) feedback

Forged Anew is the quest that requires players to play the New Territory PvP mode until they've played on each of the 3 new maps twice (winning grants 2 points). [b]I like that wins grand double progress[/b], but losing still gives you progress. It means you're incentivized to play well, but still are rewarded for your time if you lose. [b]I don't like that map selection is pure RNG[/b]. Yesterday, I played 9 matches in a row without getting Eventide Labs once. I have played an entire afternoon and got 0 progress whatsoever due to no fault of my own. If I finally get it and lose, I am now painfully aware that I might have to play another 9 matches or more before I can get this map again and finally finish that quest. The only behavior this incentivizes is dodging games when you don't get the map you want. Seeing the amount of games that start without 6 players, sometimes turning games into 3v1s from the outset, this is undesirable to say the least. [b]Another thing I don't like[/b] is the fact I put some time aside this afternoon to go through those X matches, and [b]it turns out the gamemode is unavailable during the trials weekend[/b] because... ? Despite the fact the TWIB stated, quote : [i]"Lastly, New Territory will be available until the end of the Season, at which point any player who engaged in the playlist will be awarded with the new Slaycation emblem!"[/i]. We're told it would be accessible between may 7 and the end of the season. We ARE between may 7 and the end of the season, yet the mode is inaccessible. This means [b]that announcement is incorrect[/b]. The only reason I can think of for this is that having to many icons in the crucible menu might make it cluttered ? I would take accurate information, a slightly more cluttered menu and a finishable quest over a clean menu that won't let me play the mode I need. Here are some suggestions : -[b]Cap the maximum number of games players have to play to complete the quest[/b] with an alternate objective. Eg. : Play 2 matches on each map OR play 15 games in New Territory (2 points for wins). This prevents player from playing extended periods of time without making any progress and rewards their effort and skill even if they get unlucky. -[b]Keep Forged Anew available for the stated period[/b], avoid taking down game modes unless it's necessary. Either let more modes be active at the same time, treat limited time events like Trials and IB as a separate mode that doesn't take a standard playlist slot, or just remove another mode that doesn't have an active quest tied to it to make room. I feel like you've gotten most of this feedback already, seeing how many related good game design decisions you've been making recently, but this quest seems to have slipped through the cracks so it's worth reiterating.

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