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5/15/2024 8:27:05 PM

Exotic timed missions

Dear Bungie, Can you please seriously consider giving us an option to run these exotic missions without a timer? Firstly, on the basis of making these missions accessible to guardians with cognitive disabilities and aligning with standards such as WCAG, see their recommendations here: Secondly, just think about all of the effort your developers, graphics designers and sound engineers have put into these missions, why have all of the guardians racing through them with their eyes only on the clock, it makes no sense? There are many of us who don't care about the titles or triumphs or achievements, we just want to relax and enjoy this game in our own time, we are happy to forgo these 'rewards' for completing the mission in a set time. So please Bungie, either give us an untimed mode or give us the ability to switch off timers in the accessibility settings.

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