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Edytowany przez użytkownika DustyJumpVVings: 4/10/2024 3:00:24 AM

Quest Tracker Full (63/63) After Bounty Recycling with Shaxx in the Hall of Champions

I was purchasing and deleting the repeatable bounties at Shaxx in the new Hall of Champions social space, but every time I bought a bounty it filled up two quest slots in the tracker. When I deleted the quest, it only refunded one quest slot, however, so I filled up to 63/63 quest slots while only having about 23 quests and bounties on me. Deleting other bounties I had on my character only refunded one quest slot, turning in bounties I completed also only refunded one quest slot, and restarting Destiny did not change my quest total. I don't know if the bounties were adding a second invisible bounty that is being tracked and counted, or perhaps if they were just adding +2 to a counter variable. Restarting Destiny also did not fix the issue - Shaxx's repeatable bounties still count for 2 quests in the tracker. In the tower, both Shaxx's and Zavala's repeatable bounties count for 1 as usual. For what it's worth, I also frequently have an issue when buying repeatable bounties that I will purchase the bounty and the 3,000 glimmer will be deducted, but I do not receive any bounty. Multiple times, this has happened even 3 times in a row, so 9,000 glimmer deducted and no bounty acquired. That has not been an issue yet with Shaxx in the Hall of Champions.

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