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Destiny 2

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3/27/2024 5:11:03 PM

Cheaters Need Too Be Dealt With...

Bungie... you're so busy trying to save your game and your butts that you completely neglected to deal with cheaters in their varying forms. Literally played against someone I've repeatedly reported and blocked. My entire team left because of all the cheating. Person had 18 kills with 9 zone advantages, 4 power plays and 4 captures. Equipment is all high 40's or low 50's with no mods equipped while running solar Titan using zero fragments. Weapons a crap uncraftable -blam!- rolled Austringer and Kelgorath glaive with a Recurrent trash rolled Impact. How does stuff like this go on? Surely other people have reported this person. I took video and screenshots but to post I'll have to edit out their name which is stupid.

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