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3/27/2024 12:17:27 PM

Recent PVP Lag

Guardian games supremacy queue times weren't great but the connections overall were acceptable. Post patch - tried sparrow control and of the matches i've played only 2 of them had comparable connections. Most of my matches have players skipping around the map and moving extremely erratically. It's not just me as players are typing in chat on my team and seeing similar things from the enemy or even players on our own team. Not sure what changed but its terrible right now in 6s. Comp feels ok for the 3 games i played connection-wise.

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  • 🤓 um actually Bungie said their sbmm playlists have better connection quality than cbmm playlists.

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    1 Odpowiedź
    • I have been playing alot less pvp due to these type of issues the last couple years. They come and go which seems more like bungie is creating the issue to solve it and gain praise then anything else.

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    • Supremacy & gambit nearly pushed me to uninstall 2 weeks ago, 20 min mm times n then a mix of elites & clueless new players. I've never experienced anything like it in 10 years. I knew mm times would improve after GG ended bcoz whatever they implemented for that affect the entire game (it always does even going back to SRL) & they did, I played 9-10 mayhem last n mm was fast, connections where ok. It's getting to the stage of struggling games where if you play outside peak hours you're gonna struggle to have a good time. I'd guess your issues where bcoz of low population, bungie forgot what fun is, & mayhem is the best we have (if you ignore the constant stasis storms & turrets), sparrow control is a joke, it's PvP & you can use your sparrow like wtf, it doesn't even make sense. Also people seem to hate the new sandbox & it's month 7 of the season, no real reason to even touch PvP. I'm genuinely concerned about the future, so many things returning, 2 whole streams & 1 to come & everything is returning stuff, I can't believe they're this limited & people just arent excited, I guess more & more players just aren't coming back, & this is a part of the problem.

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      2 Odpowiedzi
      • Noticed this yesterday in control. Completely lopsided lobbies. Connections are all out of wack. Other team would be mostly on a different console than me and you would just get melted by anything. Im talking 1 v 1’s not getting team-shot. You could empty an entire mag into someone and they wouldn’t die. Point blank shotgun hits not registering. I had better luck going flawless in solo queue than having a decent connection in control. The inconsistencies with P2P and Cross-play are so annoying.

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      • I experienced the same last weeks in supremacy. Shooting a player in the back (yes, I'm evil), no damage taken and suddenly same player having moved 50m further away. Happened more than once and usually I just left the game.

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