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Destiny 2

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3/24/2024 11:18:45 PM

Trials and the unfair matchmaking

Would a bungie dev or employee kindly comment here as to why they think putting me into matches with a 95% chance of loosing is fair!?!!!?!!!? Not a case of git gud yada yada yada! Like you want this game to survive stop pandering to the top elites make them work for their efforts, like we have to at the bottom, put me with similar skilled players.... your game will die for everyone if you don't sort this issue out, you want us to play surely give us a chance! the 5% chance of winning isn't an incentive to play, the top fraggers will and slag me off for this post I don't care, I'm just standing up for the mere mortal that wants a chance! But completely disadvantaged matchmaking isn't an answer to a game that's clearly un trouble...... stop pandering to the top players your killing it allowing them to romp games all the time, make them wait in longer queues it's for the benefit of the game as it won't survive without the cannon fodder you'll just be left with a small -blam!- pool of top players who will eventually be in the same boat as us as you have killed the game for everyone else, and don't say go play in the practise pool as I stomp those lobbies which isn't fair on the people I'm playing against there either...... it's so so broken

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  • It’s badly broken they allow trial weapons outside of trials play list for pvp I can’t play anything pvp with out a team full of trials weapons stomping my team. What’s worse is they lied about the so called balance I’ll play trials I’ll try over and over but yet can’t ever seem to win unless I play about twenty or more matches and lose every time while trying different things to get better but doesn’t change a thing. Not when so many have trials adept weapons not to mention some will cheat by using certain parts of the map to trap you for an easy kill this includes boxes. They will graze the box a shot and somehow get a hit with double the damage nothing is fair in pvp anymore there is no balance bungie lied way too much and won’t admit to the facts that are in the open. Their studio is so poorly managed now they can’t fix everything right to me they need to shut the game down for a solid week and just work on it work on the entire thing we wouldn’t miss anything. We all know the ceo quite the dumpster fire of a game company while he could Sony has sent in employees already to help with the mountain of a mess they made over the years. No one wants to play pvp hardly anymore it’s gotten so bad I’m seeing pvp mains start asking for help to learn pve more when you start seeing that happen everyone needs to stop and say wait a minute what’s going on. I can’t stress the number of videos on YouTube showing pvp players getting away with hacking the game everyone time I see a titan or warlock use wish ender and one shot players I report them I tried it I’ve landed headshots on players it doesn’t one shot them. I left out the hunter because of oathkeepers which can make sense to one shot people since the damage increases the longer it’s held.

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