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Destiny 2

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3/24/2024 11:18:45 PM

Trials and the unfair matchmaking

Would a bungie dev or employee kindly comment here as to why they think putting me into matches with a 95% chance of loosing is fair!?!!!?!!!? Not a case of git gud yada yada yada! Like you want this game to survive stop pandering to the top elites make them work for their efforts, like we have to at the bottom, put me with similar skilled players.... your game will die for everyone if you don't sort this issue out, you want us to play surely give us a chance! the 5% chance of winning isn't an incentive to play, the top fraggers will and slag me off for this post I don't care, I'm just standing up for the mere mortal that wants a chance! But completely disadvantaged matchmaking isn't an answer to a game that's clearly un trouble...... stop pandering to the top players your killing it allowing them to romp games all the time, make them wait in longer queues it's for the benefit of the game as it won't survive without the cannon fodder you'll just be left with a small -blam!- pool of top players who will eventually be in the same boat as us as you have killed the game for everyone else, and don't say go play in the practise pool as I stomp those lobbies which isn't fair on the people I'm playing against there either...... it's so so broken

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  • Edytowany przez użytkownika Zodleon: 3/26/2024 12:36:19 AM
    Trials is the "free for all/ skill gap" playlist. Its goal, which is winning in streaks, requires some kind of perceived imbalance. But the fact is that trials matchmaking [u]is[/u] fair because it treats everyone equally. You have the same pool of players, MM, lobby balancing, pool of guns, pool of abilities, map, and goal. The primary success factor is you and what you as a player bring to the match in skill. This, of course, applies to everyone in the lobby. It's an equality playlist. Everyone is treated the same outside of the practice pool, which is for practice. You go into trials and see how you compare to everyone else with no MM handholding. If you want equity, go to comp or an sbmm playlist. Where it attempts to [u]make[/u] everyone equal or even. ."Fair" is highly subjective, and if you want to argue with my statement, I suggest not making fair the crux of your argument.

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    Bądź w porządku dla innych. Poświęć chwilę na przejrzenie naszego Kodeksu Postępowania, zanim zamieścisz swój post. Anuluj Edytuj Stwórz drużynę ogniową Posty

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