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Obecnie badamy błędy wpływające na możliwość zalogowania do Destiny 2. Dopóki nie zostaną one naprawione, gracze mogą doświadczać samoczynnych wyjść i problemów z logowaniem. Aby być na bieżąco, obserwuj @BungieHelp.


Pomóż nam pomóc sobie.
5/4/2023 10:08:26 PM


I'm still getting the error code every 5 min it feels like and i don't know how to fix it I have tried to update drivers/reinstalling the game and update windows and still nothing.I have tried to do alot of thing an still nothing seem to work,some ppl have recommended stuff ffor me to try and i cant seem to fix the issue its beeen over 6 week and no response/mention from bungie. Feel free to give more suggestions ill be sure to try them out.

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