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Edytowany przez użytkownika Constant: 3/26/2023 11:10:54 PM

Non stop broccoli errors since Lightfall

Repost from my Reddit post. I've found the actual cause of Broccoli errors. Hardware: Asus Rog Z490-E (with latest bios) / i9-10900k (not overclocked) / MSI 1080ti (never overclocked) / 2 2tb samsung evo pros / 1 1tb HDD / windows 10. This is an absolute nightmare to try to deal with. I haven't played Destiny since the start of Witch Queen. Played campaign and then never touched it again. I've never once had an issue with Destiny crashing on me, ever. Started playing about 2 weeks ago. Non stop broccoli errors since. No rhyme or reason to when or how it's happening (until a few days ago). It can take 2 hours, it can take mins after a restart of the game to get it. I've ran dxdiag if that's helpful to post I can upload that. I've read bunch of posts on people fixing it from lowering the fps cap, turning on motion blur yada yada yada. None of that has helped. Here's the thing. I did find one post that talked about how it could be related to faulty ram. I had original Corsair vengeance ram (64gb - 4 16gb sticks)... so decide screw it why not upgrade to the pro, the ram had been in computer since I originally put this thing together back in 2015, since everything else was new except the ram (updated GPU in 2018, CPU and mother board in 2020). So yeah maybe the RAM is finally just going bad. So upgraded to 64gb - 4 16gb sticks yesterday. Played the entire day and not a single broccoli error, even after defaulting all my settings to default and rising my fps cap back to 144fps. Start playing today and boom. 30 mins in and it's started again. But why all of a sudden after playing 12 hours yesterday was all of a sudden I started getting it again? The only thing I can think of is every time the screen freezes, there is a warlock around me in either PVE or PVP using their nade/melee. I've caught it multiple times on screenshots. Which is why it's now happening a bunch to me, I'm generally playing a hunter or titan. Today I was going through the new stuff with my warlock. In unknown situations when I throw my melee/nade and it's quite chaotic on screen, boom broccoli error. It's never happening in any other scenario except for when a Warlock is using their nade/melee... every single time it's the last thing I see. I'm at a complete loss at what to do now, It's making it extremely difficult to not ask for a refund since I can't play more then 2 hours at a time without having to restart my computer and restart whatever quest I was on since there's no progress. -blam!- is bananas, only game I play that crashes. There's no way Bungie can claim a hardware issue. All of my hardware is top of line and less then 2 years old except GPU which is 4 years old. I have latest drivers on everything. Completely fresh install of windows as of latest week with completely formatted hard drives across the board. They may claim this is hardware, I call bullshit... It's definitely an in game bug / issue with the warlock melee/nade. Screenshot: Last time I captured an on screen image of freeze before broccoli (playing hunter, warlock had just thrown nade at me.)

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  • Have you tried running a single RAM stick that your KNOW is 100% working? If you have done that the only thing I can give you is this list of stuff to try: [b]1.[/b] [url=]Clearing Steam download cache[/url]. [b]2.[/b] [url=]Verifying integrity of game files[/url]. [b]3.[/b] Update GPU driver to the latest version. [b]4.[/b] Changing Destiny 2 ingame settings to default. [b]5.[/b] Turning off Windows Game Mode. [b]6.[/b] Resetting Nvidia Control Panel Settings (If you are using Nvidia). [b]7.[/b] [url=]Changing the drive Destiny 2 is located on[/url] if possible. [b]8.[/b] Reinstalling Destiny 2. [b]9.[/b] Reinstalling windows. If you have any questions about this let me know.

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