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Edytowany przez użytkownika Chalchiutlicue: 3/3/2023 10:30:30 AM

Broccoli error when speaking to Mara Sov in the Farm

Since lightfall I got random brocolli errors while speaking to Nimbus and Icora. Luckily these errors are rarely. BUT every time I try to speak to Mara Sov in the Farm and the animation starts to open her vendor menu the game and amd gpu driver crashes with a broccoli error. I always send the error report to amd of course, but since it only happens with mara sov and I only get broccoli since lightfall, it should get fixed by bungie. I know that not everyone gets the broccoli error at mara sov, but these people getting it can't continue the season story content. PS: Currently I workaround this issue by going to a friend, logging in my steam account, speaking with mara sov and then go back home. Which is nasty but luckily only needed to be done one time in this first week.

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