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Destiny 2

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Edytowany przez użytkownika a rabid bobcat: 2/22/2023 7:14:34 PM

Strand titan (we need more)

I just watched the new strand video, someone please tell me exactly how many seconds of the 6:39 long video actually show/talk about the titan, because i’m willing to bet it’s less than 30 seconds, i’m now convinced more than ever that the titan subclass was an afterthought, you guys are over emphasizing the “it has a heavy and light attack” of the super to the point of absurdity. That’s all you can talk about with the super? Really? The fact that you spent literally 2 sentences to talk about the titan is alarming, if you aren’t even willing to give the entire subclass the same amount of time as the hunter MELEE, then why should I, or any other titan main, be excited to play the new subclass This tells me that bungie knows the titan subclass is bad, and they are trying to hide it until after launch so as to not tank sales

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