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9/25/2022 7:54:58 AM

How many run should you have to get for vex?

I've now run vog 100 times (not all of them full runs) is there a point where it will just tick over and give it to me or do just need to keep running it

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  • So, There is no bad loot protection for Vex Mytho. Vault of Glass came out on May 22nd 2021. As far as runs go, only 70 runs would have counted. Well, 3 characters X’s 70 weeks. I heard for a week a few months back that people were able to just do Atheon more than just the 3 characters each week and were able to get the Vex. Only two items have bad loot protection, Eyes of Tomorrow and 1K. Sorry that you have not had one drop for you yet.

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