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Destiny 2

Dyskutuj o wszystkim, co dotyczy Destiny 2.
po raz pierwszy umieszczony:Center of Damage Control
Edytowany przez użytkownika Disturbed4life-1: 8/16/2022 7:48:05 AM

New Guardians: Welcome to our forum page !

[b]Hello fellow guardians![/b] Do you like to play [u][i]Destiny/Destiny 2[/i][/u] but want to play with others? Are you a [u][b]PVE player[/b][/u] that loves to destroy the enemy or a [b][u]PVP player[/u][/b] that loves to test their skills against other guardians? Do you want to play with [u][i]people who like to have fun[/i][/u]? If you said yes to all or any of these questions, then give us a try and let us know what class you main and your favorite armor and weapon. We are here to [u][b]have fun[/b][/u] and help [b][u]YOU[/u][/b]! Please click here to join [url=]our clan[/url]

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