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Destiny 2

Dyskutuj o wszystkim, co dotyczy Destiny 2.
5/20/2022 4:53:56 AM

Time Spent and Reward to Difficulty Balance

I believe good gameplay should be balanced gameplay. Why is it that the approach to making more challenging content is making everything “tanky” and one shot the guardians? If it isn’t scorn snipers or all other snipers, it’s Lucent Moths instant wiping your team even though you’re rocking 100 resilience and resist mods. Building into survivability most of the time is pointless. For GMs there’s always a set of builds, weapons and strategies everyone uses for specific GMs, that’s not fluid gameplay. Rather than enjoying the challenge and strategic play with your team, it becomes playing tensely for survivability only for the run to feel unrewarding after. You have to grind it for a satisfactory reward, it’s like chewing on sand. (Mind you not all Destiny players are hardcore pc streamers that cut down GM times to 25mins, some of us have physical and other disabilities we play with but we’re still part of the community) To summarize: 1. Making activities more difficult by introducing acute burns and reducing survivability does not equal making an enjoyable challenge. 2. GM weapons should have curated rolls and a higher chance of getting these rolls after a one or two runs. 3. Postmaster space should be increased since you won’t provide and auto dismantle feature of blues and other unnecessaries. People that do grind these higher level activities for hrs end up losing things in the post master. 4. Material Caps are hurting the game! We grind enough to not have to keep grinding, its cutting our game time and enjoyability of the game. Putting caps on cyphers, glimmer, prisms and others is pointless. Individual who feel like having higher caps make the game too easy should have an option to turn on material caps and increase difficulty for themselves. Destiny is not a true MMORPG, grinding here only helps you continue the gameplay, it doesn’t have a direct effect on your characters abilities and performance. For example, weapons crafting is not as fun and enjoyable and you promised, getting a single enhanced perk runs you dry of all materials, then you go test it out and realize you don’t like it, good luck, now you have to go gather random drop deepsight weapon, grind them to unlock getting only to be able try another enhanced perk. And don’t get me started on the drop rate and cost of ascendant alloy. I know these there might be even better ways of improving the game as I’ve stated but these are just my thoughts.

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