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Destiny 2

Dyskutuj o wszystkim, co dotyczy Destiny 2.
Edytowany przez użytkownika Cytraso: 6/18/2021 4:36:58 PM

What is this game?

Let me start this post by saying I am a returning player to Destiny 2 after essentially giving it a go on launch and quitting after Destiny 1. I was a veteran of the game and had done basically everything there was to do loads of times. I am going to try to not complain too much, but I feel as though I had to make a post, because I don't see this anywhere else. Why is the "CONTENT" of the game as follows: 1. Go to specific location 2. Use specific weapon 3. Use specific class/power/element 4. Kill only specific enemy 5. Kill specific enemy in specific way 6. Do same repeatable quest that isn't the same... I could go on and on but as I stated before...not trying to do that. I'm simply just trying to show the point that it seems like Bungie is awfully concerned with how we play their game, considering almost every mission/bounty or whatever tells you to do it in a specific way. GUYS.....This a FPS MMO I should be able to use what I want, when I want. AND LORD FORBID, don't even get me started on champion mods or exotics that only allow you to stun a specific champion....Why are only autos/scouts/sidearms/HC/GL/SMGs viable right now? OH YEAH, because there are no mods to use the other weapon types when there are champions involved. So then It just becomes get your hands on the most OP Weapon that sees the most play percentage by the community, and play the same way as everybody else....I don't even know what else to say if were not seeing this as a problem.

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