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Destiny 2

Dyskutuj o wszystkim, co dotyczy Destiny 2.
3/28/2020 9:56:30 PM

Chicken error is ruining my sanity, i cant even select a character

Well i´ve been playing destiny 2 since season of the forge, i started like everyone, messing up the public events, the assaults, everything, even gambit an crucible, but then i statrted to get good and thats where i loved the game, in the last two months i started to get an error called chicken, it didnt let me play unless i restarted my console or my router, it went like that until the last month where i needed to do all of that but now i had to uninstall the dlcs, but the last week i cant even select my character, i cant play anymore and destiny is now just wasting 105 gb of space in my console Is so sad since i loved this game like my top favorite games, even when it was bad i loved it, and now its over for me, i did everything i could from the help forums, i opened all the necessary ports, i cleared my cache, checked my isp provider and my xbox live ports, but everything seems to fail, i really wish someone could help me or tell me if my console is already dead... Please, anyone has been in this situation?

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