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Destiny 2

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Edytowany przez użytkownika Border: 3/3/2020 7:28:27 PM

Single player Destiny Game?

I just wanted to state that if anything, Bungie would make a killing on a single player game. I know everyone hates this reference, but an open world game like skyrim or dragon age for Destiny where we build our personalized guns with attachments and no worries of balance, have romance with important characters and intimate plot development, a face to face reveal and continuation of the lore but from a character's eyes that isn't scripted in our responses? I would pay so mich money for this....and so many hours. I see ghat Xbox has a new game coming out called Outriders that looks amazing and very much reminds me of Destiny, is that what I want for this Destiny game? Maybe not but something akin just for another example. I think it'd blow up in some kind of way and if multiplayer was needed for some reason as a option for wave runs or special end game activities than whatever, I get it and I'd play it. I know, I'm a fanboy. I love this game's lore and I think it'd be something crazy to slow down the progress of story and zoom in on a personal level, introduce customization for stuff like guns and armor, feel like we're one Guardian looming at the universe. Let's get some npc's we grow with and lose or save, make decisions that effect our personal story, get personal with the new Hive god and get some dialog, choose our backrounds and who we are as we become the Guardian we need to be. I think it could give Mass Effect a run for it's money. Anyone else think the potential is astronomical?

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