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Edytowany przez użytkownika BNGHelp6: 9/8/2019 7:03:00 PM

[BNG] Steam linking and Cross Save Known Issues - Updated 9/8

[u][b]STEAM LINKING[/b][/u] [quote]In preparation for PC migration this fall, Steam linking is live on Steam linking is required for players with a PC account to enable Cross Save on August 21. For more information on PC Migration, please see: [/quote] [u][b]CROSS SAVE[/b][/u] [quote] Cross Save is now available on for Destiny 2. Players with linked PC accounts must go through Steam linking before Cross Save can be enabled. For more information on Cross Save, please see: [/quote] For known issues with Destiny 2 and Season of Opulence, players should [url=]click here[/url]. [u][b]TOP ISSUES[/b][/u] [quote] • [b]Cross Save Configurations and Silver Purchases:[/b] We are aware that some players have entered an undesirable Cross Save state due to Silver purchases on their account prior to the launch of Cross Save. It is intentional that Silver purchases prevent players from disabling Cross Save until 90 days after the Silver was purchased. However, players who entered this state prior to our [url=]Cross Save FAQ[/url] update on 8/22 should fill out our [url=]Cross Save Contact Form[/url] and provide as much information as possible so we can look into your issue. All tickets will be addressed at the discretion of Destiny Player Support during regular business hours. [/quote] [u][b]KNOWN ISSUES[/b][/u] [quote] • [b]Cross Saving to Steam Without[/b] For players who want to Cross Save to Steam without a account, this will become available on October 1. • [b]Cross Saved BattleTags in Fireteam Forum:[/b] We are investigating an issue where players' BattleTags may not reflect correctly in the [url=]Find Fireteam forum[/url] when they have Cross Save enabled. In the meantime, players can workaround this issue by sending private messages on • [b]Cross Save Configuration on[/b] We are investigating an issue where players' Cross Save configurations may not reflect correctly on their profile, even if it is functioning correctly in-game on all platforms. • [b]Unable to Cross Save after resolving Silver debt :[/b] We're investigating an issue where players who resolved their Silver debt still can't enable Cross Save. This issue should be resolved on September 17 in our next update. • [b]"Something weird happened":[/b] We are investigating an issue where some players see "Something weird happened" when attempting to enable Cross Save. • [b]Account Authentication:[/b] We are investigating an issue where account authentication may become undone as some players attempt to enable Cross Save. • [b]"500" Errors:[/b] We are investigating an issue with account authentication on, which results in “500” errors for some players. • [b]"I Agree" Button:[/b] We're investigating an issue where mobile browsers can't click this button when linking to Steam. For now, please use a desktop or laptop computer to link to Steam. • [b]Microsoft Edge:[/b] We're investigating an issue where "Error: Object doesn't support property or method 'scrollTo'" appears when using Microsoft Edge. At this time, it's recommended to use another browser to link up. • [b]Displayed Account Licenses:[/b] We’ve observed reports indicating that not all [i]Destiny 2[/i] content licenses are being shown to players when preparing for PC migration. Players can dismiss this prompt, which may sometimes report an incomplete list of game licenses. All owned licenses will be transferred with PC migration later this year. [/quote] Players who encounter other issues should report to the [url=]#Help[/url] forum.

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