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Destiny 2

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Edytowany przez użytkownika SonicFusion: 5/23/2019 6:42:26 AM

My dream scenario going forward for Uldren

My dream scenario going forward for Uldren Uldren approaches the gates of the last city of man Hunter Guardian : "Not my Vanguard leader" *Appears behind Uldren, shoots pulled pork* The shockwave knocks Uldren back a bit he looks for the Hunter but can no longer find him, suddenly he hears a feint wind. He turns to see a warlock gliding down from the city walls. Caught in front of the sun Uldren shields his eyes when he moves his hand the guardian is already close enough to hear. Warlock Guardian : "Ikora says hi" *Nova Bombs Uldren* He's nocked several feet away stumbling to get up as he scrambles for his footing a Titan walks through the settling dust clouds Titan Guardian : The Vanguards main purpose is defense you see this means they don't attack anything other than threats to humanity, we just happen to be the offensive team and you ARE A THREAT! *Titan Smashes* Uldren wakes up moments late with all three Guardians standing above him, the Hunter crouched close. Hunter Guardian : "You guys okay with me being the new Hunter lead?" He raises Ace to Uldrens brow, the sound of the metal barrel scraping his face is met with a smile across the warlocks face *BANG!* *Uldrens face now hollow steams with blue power the left over radiation of Aces bullet* "I guess I win by unanimous decision" Mara Appears through a taken rift "Guardians wait I know you mean him harm but he isnt... She stops speaking as the Guardians move to show her Uldrens corpse "What..What have you ..done!?" *Guardians walk to each other's side* Warlock Guardian : Isn't it obvious *Mara turns to her angry* Mara : This will mean War! Hunter Guardian : Oh yes We've started a war O'Queen Titan Guardian: A war to protect our people from an even greater threat, YOU! [spoiler]Moderator edit: This thread has been updated with tags that are more appropriate. Feel free to private message the moderator who moved your post, link to topic, for further clarification about why this topic was moved.[/spoiler]

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