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2/10/2018 8:32:44 PM

3 Things that will increase players RIGHT NOW!

Bungie will never win back players with this slow-roll of meager upgrades. It’s too little and it’s not fast. Bungie, PULL OUT THE STOPS!! Here are three that would make a difference and aren’t hard to code. 1. BE MORE GENEROUS!!!! – with drops, with raid rewards, with every kind of loot at every level. Double, triple, quadruple the exotic drip (pun intended) rate, increase the XP rate of medallions, increase the useless 3 of coins rate by a thousand, increase the masterwork core drop rates (for crying out loud), and increase it for armor (on all armor) weapons, etc. Throw some exotics in those loot caches, maybe a few masterwork cores… Bungie, YOU NEED TO BE MORE GENEROUS! NOW! 2. CREATE/ALLOW OP WEAPONS AND GEAR!!!! 2. Allow for, and at this point, create a few OP weapons and gear. OP stuff is always kind of fun for players (why Bungie insists on balance is stupid). This game needs to be fun again and what’s not fun about some awesome OP weapons. For example, make the blast radius for explosive radius larger and more powerful… or maybe make the Dragonfly more appropriate to it’s name (it’s currently more like a Butterfly). Increase the damage of this explosion and it’s radius. How about removing whatever nerf you put on the Prometheus Lens, heck why don’t you increase it’s damage. It was fun while we had it. What about making the Skyburner’s Oath something to remember. Increase the rate of fire, make it blow-up shields and cause damage on the first shot that hits a shield, just do something to make it fun. Create and let a few things be OP. You owe us that. 3. Flip the switch and let us go through the campaign with our new weapons and gear and just destroy everything in our path. Many of us want to go through the campaign again (the whole thing in sequence) with better loot, exotic drops, etc. With all the communication, if you don't have something earth-shattering, you are not getting players back. You need to show us that you understand what makes gaming fun. The stuff you're giving us now, isn't enough to get players back into the game. And if you wait until the DLC? Well, it will be an all or nothing for the game. If I were a betting man, I wouldn't take that bet. Show us now, that you get us... So far, nope. It's not enough.

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  • Generous? I don't even play and get 3-4 powerful engrams, raid and trials weapons a week. So generous it flat out stupid.

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    Bądź w porządku dla innych. Poświęć chwilę na przejrzenie naszego Kodeksu Postępowania, zanim zamieścisz swój post. Anuluj Edytuj Stwórz drużynę ogniową Posty

    2 Odpowiedzi
    • Will try to explain, why are you wrong in your points: 1. "Be more generous". So, right now in D2 players can get almost all kinds of gears and guns (and even exotics with good luck on their side) in... 2-3 weeks maybe? For to get a legendary weapon-gear set, that will be your base for your charachter you will need even less time, 4-7 days. As much as I know, in D1 getting at least 1 exotic was pretty impossibru thing to do, and even getting legendaries wasn't that easy, as it is today. So, Bungie already became more generous! You get legendary items much faster, you get 2 (!) exotics just for beating story quest line, you get maybe 3 or 4 more from quests... And did that generocity bring more people in game? Actually, no, cos when you can grind everything you need THAT fast, after getting all that you will have totaly nothing to do in the game like Destiny. And when people actually got everything they wanted, all gear, all guns, when they used all that in PvP, strikes, raids... they simply became bored and droped the game. So, for Bungie being even more generous would cause even bigger playerbase drop off. Actually, making gridning and farming more difficult and time consuming will bring players back! People will have something to do for a months and maybe even years! That's how a good MMO keeps itself alive for a long time, not by giving everything to the players easy. 2. Create/Allow OP guns and gear: Well... I mean, Im absolutely not PvP player, I hate it in Destiny, cos it ruins the overall game, but making more OP guns and gear will also ruin PvE game. It will make it more simple, more boring. Just like oversimplyfying farm/grind process - if you can just run around like a Rambo having no real combat difficulties in PvE you will have no challenge and no motivation to play more and you will drop it very fast. So, it also won't increase playerbase, but do otherwise. 3. I sort of agree with last point, but I would put it in the different way - Bungie should allow to people, that already passed that campaign (that is pretty... boring, I could say, let's be honest) to skip the campaign somehow and give the same full freedom of playing, as like you have it beaten. Make all planets open, make you be able to go to the Tower, level yourself up by sidequests, public events... however people want to. Anyway, main story campaign must be optionaly skipable after you beaten it once!

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    • drops are too common if anything the loot table is waaaaaayyyyy too small which we seem to agree on and with static rolls this is emphasized. The games current loot system is to shallow atm without randomness to alleviate that. The need more live events and smaller event inside of each season. For example season 1 they could have had some small thing set up where we had to go and fend off cabal from setting up outposts or something. Then have a reward system geared around that.

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    • Content. You can give all the drops you like, but what's the point if you can beat everything anyway?

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    • bump

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      Bądź w porządku dla innych. Poświęć chwilę na przejrzenie naszego Kodeksu Postępowania, zanim zamieścisz swój post. Anuluj Edytuj Stwórz drużynę ogniową Posty

    • Prometheus lens had to be nerfed because they just add an op weapon to the game where you can only use boring primaries in the first place. What were they thinking! End of conversation.

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