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12/28/2017 6:43:37 PM

Player Feedback: The Dawning

Hello all, Since the Dawning went live, we've been watching the conversation and recording your feedback. I'd like to give a short list of items that have been noted. This list is not prioritized in any fashion, but a quick representation of trending topics throughout the community: [quote][b]• Eververse • Mayhem • Vault Space • Endgame - Strikes, Raids, Item Collection • Crucible - Gametypes, Team sizes • Sandbox Balancing - Exotics weapons and armor • Three of Coins • Curse of Osiris: Weapons Forge Questing • [url=]Masterworks and Weapon/Armor Modifications[/url][/b] [/quote] That said, keep it coming. When we return to full force in 2018, details will be shared on the feedback that was collected and how we'll look to address it. Cheers, -dmg04

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  • If you're gonna make people need the dlc at least make it reasonable. Curse of Osiris should have been 5 bucks or free. Great game idea. Bad business. Your game is proof of that.

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  • Nowy temat rozpoczęty: Hunters need buff(21 Odpowiedzi))

  • Edytowany przez użytkownika SpookyNoises: 1/3/2018 8:39:05 PM
    There is no data to evaluate. There are no spreadsheets to compile. There is no algorithm to tweak. Get a professional community communications strategy and implement it. That probably will involve restructuring your corporate culture, especially as it pertains to information flow. That's probably long overdue. From every publically available source, from leaks to press to tweets, Bungie's internal information flow seems paranoid, vindictive, and deeply arrogant. We all saw the fallout from XP manipulation, saw it made worse by a PR strategy that looked less like a professionally managed coms strategy than a teenager talking to the cops about what they found in his locker. You could have fessed up. You didn't. You were caught red-handed. The community had reverse-engineered the method for XP scaling and you still acted like it was a glitch. The podcast was 55 minutes of "design is hard". Not once have you acknowledged that this was [i]design, functioning as designed.[/i] You could have averted the current situation. When the XP issue blew up in your face you already knew what The Dawning was going to be. You already knew about two-tiered shaders and daily quests that don't actually deliver the seasonal content. You already knew about seasonal engrams padded with non-seasonal loot. You already knew about 7 dust shaders and shard shaders. You knew because it was [i]design, functioning as designed.[/i] You knew. You released it anyway. We had some guesses, but within a few hours of Dawning going live, we knew too. [b][i]Like we always do.[/i][/b] What I want to see from Bungie in the new year is a heaping pile of reality-informed humility. I want to see an end to a communications strategy that seems based on the idea that we, collectively, can't tell when we are being lied to. Most of all I want to see an end to the whinging rhetoric that 'this is hard", or that "we're learning" (which would apply if we were complaining about things that weren't on purpose), as if managing communication for a persistent multiplayer game has never been done before. You don't have to figure out how to do this from scratch. You could even hire someone who has done this before. That you haven't done so is deeply indicative. EDIT: - Thanks for the support, crew. A few quick points: - Community engagement CAN be done well, and that always involves transparency. I know that feels like a risk, that if you talk about a change the dev team is considering we'll take it as a promise and freak out (you've said so many times in interviews, panels, etc). Get that myth out of your head and off the table. If you say you're considering *feature X*, let us know. If it doesn't pan out (code problem, balance issue, etc), let us know that too. You'll get a few angry posts. You will ALWAYS get a few angry posts, no matter what you do. What you won't get with a casual, water-cooler conversation approach is daily articles in Forbes and a total lockdown of your forums. The most successful community engagement I've ever seen, and consistently delivered over years to a huge and contentious community, was Greg Street's stint for Blizzard (and he's still amazing at this). He told us everything short of actual code, and even explained why. We, the community, had reverse-engineered the game in near entirety (even including large portions of the server code), had done it almost instantly, and were providing Blizzard with a constant stream of feedback. Yes, there was a lot of rage (nowadays, "salt"), a lot of player entitlement, all the problems that are always present. There was also a solid data engineering community for WoW that provided very robust testing, balance feedback, and metagaming insight. Destiny also has a very sophisticated metagaming community. Consider how long it takes us to publish full statistical breakdowns on new gear, encounters, etc. Remember Sleeper Simulant, and how many hours (*HOURS*, not weeks) it took us to crack the code. Consider further that with a PC release, those community engineering times are only going to get shorter. We, collectively, are smarter than you, collectively. That's not a problem particular to Bungie or Destiny. One of my screenwriting professors hammered into our heads the fact that our audience will ALWAYS be smarter than us. They know who dunnit, which way the character should run, etc. They will spot every single time you break your world logic or drop continuity, so if I see a problem, I have to fix it, and do so knowing that for every glitch I catch, the audience will find a hundred more. The flipside of that is that the audience is also more forgiving than the author [b]if the author is making an honest effort[/b]. You may be surprised at how much support, goodwill, and [b]practical problem solving[/b] you will get from a community that feels you're being honest and transparent. You already know the alternative. I don't know if it's fully sunk in: we will find everything. If you try to sneak something by us we will catch you every time. We know what non-answers look like. We can tell the difference between a glitch (Mayhem nova-bomb) and a design (manipulative micro-economy of the Dawning). Be honest. Be transparent. Tell us what you're working on and what you need to know from us. Big, live games are a partnership, not a heist. 2nd Edit: To clarify: I think everyone can agree that the previous communications strategy wasn't working and that the prior content release structure (i.e. scant DLC and Eververse-heavy) wasn't working either. I don't want to castigate anyone for mistakes made in a complex corporate, technological, and financial environment. I want to hear about what's going to happen going forward. You can show us a new approach on the first official reply. Tell us what's being tested for sandbox changes. Tell us what's going to change about Eververse and what's moving to the general loot pool. Imagine we're all having coffee, we've already talked about the weather, there's a lull in conversation and you lead in with "Well, we're working on some pretty cool stuff, like...". And then tell us something. It's not a contract, it's not a promise, it's a conversation. This is a great time to permanently retire the "tease of the hint of the preview" approach that's been the go-to in the past. I like to know when a stream is coming up, but I don't need 2-3 consecutive TWAB's where that's the only info conveyed. Once a week you have an opportunity to build trust and goodwill. On any given week you have *some* information that is probably interesting and worth a discussion. Case in point: I would have enjoyed knowing what was in today's patch [i]before[/i] the servers came back up. It looks like you're trying to course-correct DLC locked content. That's great! It specifically looks like we've got a Faction Rally and Iron Banner coming sooner than later. Also great! That's info we could have heard at the same time as the downtime announcement. Maybe you're keeping quiet until you're ready to address all of this head-on. Maybe you're figuring out an approach. Maybe this actually isn't the best time for a short tweet about "Hey, DLC locking on Rallies and IB are getting fixed. They're coming on (insert dates here)". Maybe it's important to take every opportunity to show you're going to do things differently. Maybe you're going to say something in the next 24 hours that makes my entire rambling monologue irrelevant. The only reason I've posted any of the above is the belief that Bungie is staffed with people who want to, and are capable of, doing better on these fronts. I hope there are staff that find this empowering. You CAN turn this ship.

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    416 Odpowiedzi
    • How’s this for player feedback? 1561 upvotes saying players want D1 weapon system back.

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    • My vault is going to explode!!!🤯I hate to be forced to delete stuff just to make space for more stuff that ill have to delete again for more stuff. I know you've heard it a million times already but here it goes one more time :::PLEASE GIVE US MORE VAULT SPACE::: or some type of solution. I love playing but I end up wasting too much time trying to move things around my characters or dismantling instead of actually playing and having fun with the game. Ps. I miss the snowballs ❄️

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    • The dawning was a joke and as far as I'm concerned Crimson days which are coming up is going to be another big joke are you kidding me you're giving us the same stuff that we got from Destiny 1 we're getting ghost sparrows were getting Armour we're getting emotes really emotes come on quit being lazy and get off your ass and give us some new content to do please new topic we're still having issues with your connections and it's not me I've gotten anteater the last three nights in a row from you Destiny please get you some designated servers thank you

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      1 Odpowiedź
      • "Speak to Tess Everis to claim your free Crimson Days Engram." Are you -blam!-ing kidding me?!?

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        2 Odpowiedzi
        • I’ve seen numerous posts, “Down with Eververse,” who hasn’t? The forum pages are filled with them, but what I haven’t seen are any reasonable ways to combat the problem. I play Destiny because I love the game, it’s a fun place to talk with friends, make new friends, it’s something for me to do in my spare time, and I enjoy the *experience*. Yes, I did pay for my exotic Dawning ship (I’m a collector), with the help of dismantling a large number of shaders to get up to that insanely amount of RNG’d bright dust, and after I bought it I put in on and continued on my way to doing the weekly milestones. Did anyone ask where I got the ship? No. Did I fill like I earned it? Nope. Was it an experience buying it? Not really. Guess what though? I can tell I got the Gjallarhorn as a Nightfall reward, and I ran upstairs to tell my husband yelling and screaming. The Nanophoenix, well I got that on September 1st, just days before the D2 release, and yes I do think it was way to low of a drop rate, because I was doing Aksis cp’s 3x a week. However when it did drop I was greeted with congratulations from the friends who had been playing with me throughout the majority of the cp’s. D1 was filled with experiences. Not saying that D2 doesn’t have any, but locking your loot, that Cayde promised us behind a paywall, is not an experience. Where are the raid ships, sparrows, and ghosts? Why am I still missing a cloak from the faction rally, when I turned in the maximum allowable packages both times? Why does D2 feel like a sequel to Vanilla Destiny and not where we left off? Kiosks, vault space, raid gear with raid perks, secret alternate ending story missions, strike specific loot, even adding a modifiers would be a plus. Take a look back at D1 and bring some of those elements back into this game. Fix the levels on the raid, bring back a normal and hard mode, then have the Prestige version level with expansions. Now, onto Eververse, while I do like the idea of leveling up to earn her seasonal engrams, the limited event limit on engrams is in no way fair and removing the chance at getting all the items from a gift schematic, well that’s more insulting. Going out and grinding out resources and enemies for another duplicate ghostshell or ship, well I’ll do it, but it would have been better to actually have a chance of getting that exotic emote. Dismantling unwanted dawning items should have rewarded bright dust. I’ll applaud you on one thing, thanks for letting us know that all items would be purchasable at least once during the event so I know I can complete my armor set. Here’s my suggestion, put some of the loot back into the game so that we can have those experiences and the possibility to earn them. Make bright dust actually purchasable with silver, so those that those that want to buy a specific item actually can. Don’t put such a small number cap or a cap at all on limited event engrams, after all it’s already limited by the time we have to earn them. If you’re going to give out a gift, include the entire loot-pool. Nothing is more angering than getting a level 10 engram from a schematic only to have it decrypt into a light level 10 helmet that I already have. It would have been nice if it would have decrypted into dawning gear or at least gave me some bright dust upon dismantling it, so I could try my luck at something else. Bungie I really hope you’re listening, because I want this game to do well. I’ve invested a lot of time into it and I want some more experiences out of it. One last thing please, why is vault space still an issue and why does it always take you so long to give a straight answer about it? It would be so refreshing to see the fist line of a TWAB, “Vault Space has increased!” or to hear it at the beginning of a stream, don’t make us wait for something that’s been an issue since... well always.

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          11 Odpowiedzi
          • Some of my biggest gripes with Destiny 2: 1. Every pack of content released has had some sort of game breaking bug attached to it (Prometheus Lens, Infinite Nova Bombs, Brother Vance Prophecy Glitches, etc.) We are already starved for content, at least make sure the stuff you give us actually works! 2. The current whimsical tone of the game caters to the humor of a very young audience. It destroys the mystique and wonder of the first game. If the characters aren’t taking this galactic battle seriously, why should we? Cayde-6 is enough comic relief for most Guardians. 3. The Eververse locks too much loot behind a pay wall that should be able to be earned through the gameplay. Make earning special cosmetics attained through challenges. Make us want to play more, be more skillful, and most of all GRIND. 4. Important lore figures like Osiris and Saint-14 aren’t given the justice they deserve. The history behind these figures is built up dramatically in the grimoire, only to be wrapped in an hour or so with vague gameplay. Please, build this world and gives us deeper characters. With dynamic (I.e not static) story arcs! 5. Crucible should be more varied and promote player choice and freedom. Currently only a few builds are “competitive”. If a player wants to jump in with an off meta Pulse rifle and a semi auto sidearm they should be able to without being outclassed by better balanced weapons. They should be outclassed by more skillful players. The teamshotting, on meta format of the Crucible is not very fun for myself and a lot of Guardians. We want to test our trigger fingers and our crazy loot; not the same two guns as everyone else, while huddled together for safety! The community wasn’t looking for an e-sport. It wanted a sci-fi power fantasy. 6. General quality of life. Like mass deletion of shaders. Vault space and UI categories. FoV for consoles. Connection issues. Trials DDoS. 7. Weapon and build variety is a huge thing for people playing looters or “collection” games. The weapon pool is extremely limited, especially the Exotics. And even fewer of them are useful or interesting to use. I would like to see a gear system implemented that borrows the concept of “set bonuses” from games like Diablo. This paired with a more fleshed out subclass system would add such diversity and player uniqueness to the game. We want to take ownership of our Guardians’ power! PvP balance be damned, give us incentives to get that awesome looking full Vanguard set beyond simple cosmetics. Imagine a Vanguard set giving tiered bonuses; 5% extra damage to strike bosses, chances for extra tokens, increased loot drops, +5% damage from (insert subclass grenade/ability here). Now that would be cool. I’d grind for THAT. There’s so much more I want to say, but I know no one will probably read this or care. I want this game to work, I love this universe and lore (or at least what it WAS). In the meantime, I will be playing the Division. They listened to the community and updated that game. It’s great now.

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            4 Odpowiedzi
            • How about moving shaders to the collection tab. Once you find them they become available for purchase with legendary shards or glimmer?

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              2 Odpowiedzi
              • no more coins, no more blues ... please

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              • -blam!- the snow balls, every time I went to my invitory I got snow balled and I couldn't run, wtf!

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              • The biggest complaint I have is about blind boxes in general. They are terrible. Almost everyone would prefer to just buy their cosmetics and gear outright for a set amount. Leave the blindbox system in if you want but give us the ability to buy the things we want too. There is enough RNG in the game already. That being said, the Destiny franchise has a lot of potential. Unfortunately, that potential is rarely realized due to a 'cautious half-step forward then move onto something else' development style (no offense). [b]Weapons, weapon mods, and weapon variety: WE NEED MORE OF THEM![/b] The Masterworks system is definitely a step into the right direction but we need a larger variety of weapons, perks, and designs across the board. We already hate the token system because it involves grinding the same content for the same drops we don't want or already have. This is why I don't believe classic random rolls should come back. Adding random rolls back across all legendary drops and it's the same thing all over again. Grind the same content, get the same guns, only now with garbage perks 80% of the time. If it doesn't drop as a god-roll then dismantle and back to step one. That doesn't incentivize fun for a lot of us. Instead you could add in a new tier of strike-specific weapons, let's say orange tier weapons, that are fully customizable. This would require a re-vamped weapon mod system by attaching perks and tiers to the mods themselves. Also, add weapon mods into the loot table for things like strikes, public events, and the raid. Hell, make some of them strike and raid specific if you want. Want an auto rifle that highlights targets, has an extended mag, and high caliber rounds? Well, now you can! But you're going to have to get all of the right mods first. This arguably adds a good kind of grind for end-gamers and leaves exotics to do unique exotic-type things that you can't get elsewhere. Also, instead of only having swords, add things like axes and hammers with unique slam/whirlwind/etc. heavy attacks. [b]New armor choices and tiers:[/b] Apart from there being a depressing lack of gear designs in the current game there isn't a ton of difference between the gear other than aesthetics. While I think you could extend the Masterwork system or the previous orange tier weapon idea to armor as well, I would also love to see something new. [i]Sets.[/i] Similar to most games that utilize gear sets, sets would work through a 'equip X number of a specific set and you gain the ability to Y' system. For example, if you wore X number of this Taken inspired Warlock set then weak-willed enemies (red health bar) that step into your rift would then be 'charmed' and fight by your side. This would work similar to the Memory of Timur from Destiny 1. This would also provide some decision making on the Guardian's part. Would you rather take the full 6 piece set perk(s) from *insert set name* or use the *insert exotic armor name* with that perk you love so much? [b]The Potential Future of Cosmetics, Aesthetics, and the Eververse:[/b] I'm a firm believer that there should be specific ship and sparrow drops from strikes and raids. I understand this would potentially take something away from the Eververse but that doesn't mean we can't make a compromise. Add new aesthetic slots for hairstyles and facial markings. You start with the same base ones unlocked in the character customization menu but can use bright dust to change them via the Eververse. Just like with Auras they don't provide any buffs but are purely cosmetic. This would also allow the creation of new hairstyles and facial markings going forward. A lot of people love playing with cosmetics. These things would be available solely on the Eververse and allow us something new and interesting to spend that bright dust (or real money) on. Exotic shaders? This one is a bit more questionable and unnecessary but I would love the potential to get a crazy looking weird shader from a bright engram that made my armor look like an H.R. Giger painting. Allow the purchasing of already unlocked shaders via your collections tab or in the Eververse. Still allow shaders to drop as normal though because making shaders purely an Eververse purchase thing would be suicide. [b]Add a Strike/Crucible Duty List:[/b] Give us a strike duty list where we can check the boxes on which strikes we want to queue for. Missing a couple strike-specific orange tier things? Check the boxes for them and get to grinding! Same thing with the Crucible, so you get to choose which game types you cycle through. Or you can just play TDM or FFA forever. Your choice. [b]New things to do:[/b] This is just a personal idea but maybe add a PvE 1-3 player Co-op infinite horde mode. It can cycle through modifiers and a boss every 10 rounds or something. Maybe even add an online leaderboard for the more competitive types. This could essentially be another Prison of the Elders in terms of unique rewards. The better you do the better your chances at higher tier drops but only to a point. We want a reason to keep playing after all. [b]Story and Lore:[/b] PLEASE STOP making every character into an over-the-top stereotyped joke or a 'sassy back talking robot'. You guys have amazing lore and story to build off of. Cayde and Ghost were enough comedy... That's all I've got for now. These were just some of my top ideas but there are a lot of other great and creative things floating around in these forums from other Guardians. I hope we can all come together and make Destiny 2 into the great game it deserves to be.

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                1 Odpowiedź
                • When is the next event coming ? No IB, no faction rally still. We have been doing the same thing for weeks. It has to be more than the weekly milestones in this game.

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                  3 Odpowiedzi
                  • "We have to be responsible for our actions and held accountable when we manipulate the expectations of gamers" - Luke Smith Pulled that from an interview on gaming journalism from years ago (also cited on his wikipedia page) Granted, this is taken slightly out of context, when he was discussing the role of gaming reporters with developers, but it brings to mind the fact that not that long ago in the grand scheme of things, he was hired to be a bridge between developer and customer, and to shed light on the companies process. I haven't forgotten that Bungie was one of the first to really want to communicate with its fans and listen to our ideas, and as community managers, you guys are limited in what you can do for us, and I think it's probably feeling like a thankless job right now, so thank-you! But now I think we deserve to hear from the people responsible for making the changes, Thursday can't come soon enough.

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                  • So you have this post for "feedback" with 1883 replyes ... and you announce your next event - the same as the old one ... reskinned sparrows and useless ghosts with red instead of blue ... Amaizing ... Off I go to collect classified gear sets ... no amount of moaning by my friends to do the raid with them will make me fire up D2 again. Out of 300 people in our D2 discord channel we barely get 4 - 5 people on Tuesdays ...

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                  • Instead of asking us for our feedback, how bout u ask the bungie team for some feedback. Why has the game switched to micro transactions, why was all the good stuff in d1 left out of d2 like private matches, crucible game modes, strike modifier and scoring. Why is d1 conent released in d2, why was the festival of the lost not in d2 but crimson days is.

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                  • I don't understand.... I'm back.... Followed by SILENCE!!! Well Done Sir, Well Done!!

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                    4 Odpowiedzi
                    • These are my ideas on what things that can improved upon in D2 so 1.) [u]A in Game Codex[/u], to help keep track of the in game lore scan ables , the lore from weapon and armor tabs, a return of the grimoire card, along with more objects to investigate with deeper lore ties, more secrets to search for though our adventures. 2.)[u]Overhauled Patrol missions[/u], so instead of using the same kind of missions we have now why not new levels for patrols the more we do unlock new missions that could lead up to new strike missions or new types of patrol beacon exp lost beacon that have high level missions ones the vanguard though were to dangerous at that time, weapon beacons that unlock new weapons or weapon components to build our own weapons after we complete a specific set of task with rewards that are only available through those means 3.)[u]New Multiple World Specific Public Events[/u], Another improvement that could be made is to the public events along the lines of new world specific public event that you will only find one planetary destination and loot for that event as well, how about new kind of public event where us guardians save NPCs from danger, how about a return of the running public event boss to check point like in D1, one where we have to go to multiple locations in a world to stop an enemy and destroy there supplies 4.)[u]Old Locations/New Adventures[/u], alright to be able to go to the old locations with new places to go in those environments with adventures patrols weapons and armor, giving players more scan ables, returning weapons, larger play area it gives player more to do with new NPCs as vanguard reps for the old locations, as well as story effects on the worlds and lastly new adventures for all planetary destinations along with heroic versions for each set of adventures new and current cycling out adventures every 2 weeks to give players time to complete all versions, on another note adventures need a larger purpose maybe lead into new strike missions a new world mission, adventures that show more events happening in the world in between dlcs and expansion showing power struggles between enemy factions maybe help NPCs create new safe havens for guardians to go and interact with other New NPCs 5.)[u]More Frequent, New and Impact Full Live Events[/u], i would like more meaning full live events ones that last longer and give the players more to do and leave lasting effects on the worlds when they leave exp new NPCs, vendors, unlocked play areas, secrets, scan ables, ones that have real world influences like they are based off events in the world exp cinco de mayo, carnival, Chinese new year, Oktoberfest, losar, holi, peace tree day, gandhis birthday, lunar new year, two new activites in the live events could be guardian Olympics and guardian ninja warrior course. 6.)[u]More New/Improved Weapon Designs with less Reskins[/u], can we please get some new weapon designs, maybe ones based off of ancient weapons like a bow, crossbow bo staff, early back powder weapons bring back machine guns, and more futuristic style weapons mix them together, along with improving on the guns we have now like the exotics make them feel more special and there worth the vault/ inventory space maybe give them another mod slot, make most legendary weapons not feel so underwhelming as to where we have better choices in blue weapons not cool. 7.)[u]More Improved/Fleshed out mod system[/u], a more meaning full and impact full mod system is something we have all been waiting on and i have some ideas on that system were we can have 1 kinetic mod 1 elemental mod 1 masterwork mod and 1 random perk mod. And with that we could stronger mods maybe exotic mods that can give exotic intrinsic perks for legendary weapons and armor along with other random perks more options on masterwork mods them have more of an impact on game play, and possibly give masterworks to exotic weapons as well except there changes have a smaller effect 8.)[u]Crafting System[/u], this game was built like and RPG was it not so would it be to much to ask for a crafting system where players can search the worlds for materials to build there own weapons and armor giving us a base set of items we can craft to see how well it would work then progress it if successful. 9.)[u]Forge mode[/u], it would be the best feature in D2 if we could build our own maps that there could be a contest for the player made map from forge that the @bungie team could remake with there own twist putting into the everyday pvp map rotation. And we have the vex to justify our ability to build our own maps. 10.) [u]Improved Character Stats[/u], I would like to see more character stats and them have more affects on game play, a return of strength, intellect, dexterity and improve the effects of the current stats have stronger effect on character more the lower base stat is for the stats the player is trying to improve on the character 11.)[u]New Class/Class Sets[/u], Its been along time since TTK in D1 were player got a new playable class now what i suggest is not just a new class but a secondary class set where the players could have 2 solar, 2 arch, 2 void, 2 new class. It would allow more variety in the way players play meaning that you coud have an entire game where no guardian has the super ability 12.)[u]More New Seasonal activities/New ways to play[/u], Not only does the loot system need to be fixed when it is were gonna need more things to do besides grinding out all the old activities we have been playing since launch so i suggest some new activities and the return of old ones like sparrow racing, new like sparrow jousting, old legends returning as new NPCs, new NPCs with deep lore ties and have rare loot exclusive to them and those characters are unmarked making the players have to search for them, more things to do in the social spaces exp tag, hide and seek, a scavenger hunt, laser tag, follow the leader, entire lobby dance party, maybe a guardian Olympics, ninja warrior, parkour 13.)[u]Return of the Bounty System[/u], I would like to see a return of the bounty system it would work with the system we currently have with some slight adjustments, the crafting system could have weapon material rewards it could give rep tokens, along with rewarding ships, ghost, weapons, armor, and sparrows ones from eververs along with new ones as well, also new daily, weekly, and monthly bounties that have better rewards the higher tier task complete, and finally a return of exotic quest and not just weapons, why not armors, ships, ghost, sparrows, ornaments 14.)[u]World Reconstruction/Unlocked player area[/u], so ive noticed that the worlds in D2 are significantly smaller than D1 destinations, im wondering if its because there is areas locked do to missions and adventures, only in strike areas we shouldnt be able to access that portion of the destinations but the rest of those areas should be unlocked allowing player to explore and play in more unused portions of D2. We should also start to be able to see results of our actions in the destiny universe along the lines of seeing new buildings, factions leaving the tower and starting to build there own social spaces something like safe havens springing up around the planetary destinations, maybe seeing new updates to there areas week by week just adding a little more each and on big live events giving them larger updates, and why not the rise of a couple new factions 15.)[u]Pick what you play[/u], D2 is seriously lacking replay ability as in how we cant go back to story mission besides ikora's meditation we should be able to play those missions anytime we want along with being able to pick the strike missions instead of random luck in the vanguard playlist 16.)[u]Revitalised/Improved Crucible[/u], so a few suggestions for the crucible improvement ranked play, enable power level advantages on specified game modes, give us more fun and ridiculous game modes like mayhem trials of the 9, bring back rumble, give us weapon restricted matches only allowing a single weapon type, a playlist for lower/higher player count 1v1, 3v3, 6v6, or 8v8 game types maybe a escort missions, a return of vehicle battles, and Battle Royal game mode with 20-50 guardians at a time and build it up if successful. 17.)[u]More endgame, free updates, and Improved reward[/u], we need better endgame enemy loot rewards exp strike specified loot, loot sets for higher level difficulty activities with perks for those difficulties, more reason and incentives to do and complete adventures, make lost sectors more special, New public/world specific public events, more meaningful live events, improved weapons and armor, more lore with an in-depth codex and return of grimoire cards, revitalised patrol missions, reintroduction of the bounty system, new class(es) options, return to old locations, crafting system, forge mode, new weapon designs, events that leave lasting effects on the worlds, vote on map choice, more things to do in social spaces, grow the social spaces new areas in them, new social spaces, and new crucible game types

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                        Bądź w porządku dla innych. Poświęć chwilę na przejrzenie naszego Kodeksu Postępowania, zanim zamieścisz swój post. Anuluj Edytuj Stwórz drużynę ogniową Posty

                      • So I’m thinking it might take something extreme to get the devs to change Destiny 2 into something more like Destiny 1. If you go to YouTube plenty of “content creators” are making D2 videos so it looks like there is healthy interest. WHAT IF we downvoted every single D2 video you come across on YouTube (if its a Destiny 1 video give that Shizz a thumbs up) until they stop making the videos or at least a lot less in fear they will get a bunch of downvotes. My theory is once YouTube seems as uninterested as the rest of us in the game in its current state we will get what we want. You can tell me it’s a stupid idea, that’s cool. I am just throwing it out there and may start today. True Vangaurd, Houndish, Aztecross and etc., brave yourselves.

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                        Bądź w porządku dla innych. Poświęć chwilę na przejrzenie naszego Kodeksu Postępowania, zanim zamieścisz swój post. Anuluj Edytuj Stwórz drużynę ogniową Posty

                      • Could you please address these concerns: 1. Can't use boons while loading in, must use them in activity when it is highly inconvenient or we will forget to use them. 2. Can't see challenges ever, can't see them in the map, can't see them in game because they won't load if you've picked anything up. 3. Items reorganize by them selves. I go to use my crucible gifts that are stacked and after the first one everything moves and I nearly delete other things. 4. Heavy drops in crucible. At times it is literally impossible to get heavy and going a full game with out the opportunity to have it once is a shame. 5. SMG ammo is way to small for PVE. 6. Not enough ammo for sweet business in PVE 7. Not enough ammo for Crimson in PVE 8. Blast radius on Sins of the Past is too inconsistent in PVP 9. Not enough space to do your mod system. Perhaps make things more universal i.e. counterbalance mods can be applied to two sets of armor instead of one or just a specific class. 10. Stop adding shaders to the game until you can fix inventory space for them. 11. Make hammers more powerful, they fly slow enough, they should be a one hit kill in PVP 12. Bring back some form of shoulder charge for Titans 13. Allow aim assist on Hunters. At least allow a form of hit registration for melee. 14. Take away radar if Invisible, similar to Warlocks blink ability. 15. Improve supremacy so that crests don't fall into the nothingness and are un-reachable 16. Lessen the cost for Crucible boons to be the same as Vanguard boons 17. Improve time to kill in PVP to be slightly skill based instead of solely team shotting 18. Introduce slow firing, hard hitting weapons. Not just slower firing weapons with no upside 19. Change 5th clan banner reward to anything other than Mercury adventures. 20. Make us taller so there is less head glitching in game. 21. Add at least a select pool of weapons with random rolls 22. Add strike exclusive loot 23. Don't reset RAID keys, a lot of us have to use LFG to even play the raid and it's even more difficult to LFG a team to do chests, look at the stats of how many guardians don't turn in their keys if you have to. 24. Allow for guardians to join competitive and trials, not being able to rejoin a game is tragic for everyone and encourages people to leave regular competitive crucible 25. Apply a damage buff or recovery buff in crucible when the sides aren't even 26. Apply a percentage of super when joining a game already in progress 27. Lessen sword ammo in crucible maybe give all heavy a 60 second expiration to use? 28. Take the first heavy out of supremecy 29. Add a crucible mode that incurs tick damage if you are in an area for too long 30. Add postmaster deletion capability 31. Improve shader preview, the description box is nearly always hovering over my item and I can not see 32. Just give ammo and supers to people joining a public even in progress to encourage more participation 33. Bring back ammo synthesis or allow for heavy ammo replenishment of some sort after a team wipe ie Raid and strikes 34. Scale public events difficulty to match the number of participants, some are too easy and some are too hard when alone. 35. Allow sparrows on Mercury or allow enemy to last longer. 36. Do not teleport enemy away if they are actively involved in a fire fight. This tends to happen right after you expend all of your heavy ammunition and are left very unsatisfied 37. Add some kind of indication when a boss becomes immune so as not to waste heavy and supers 38. Incorporate the term exotic into exotics 39. Add kinetic mods to masterworks weapons on drop 40. Reverse engineer mods from deleting equipment 41. Allow recovery once tethered 42. Add timer for Banshee-44's mods 43. Allow damage through Nova bombs 44. Allow Auras to last 7 days, sometimes I play things on Monday and it's dumb to have an aura disappear after 10 hours. 45. Give aura something ie XP bonus in PVE or PVP activities, work similar to 3oC 46. Give us some reason to play Nightfall on prestige mode 47. Decrease vendor purchases from 200 tokens plus shards to 20 tokens plus shards 48. Make resilience matter in more ways than 4 or 10 49. Decrease the time it takes to do warlock and titan abilities to match that of the hunter 50. Replace unused grenades like fusion and magnetic with anything I would say that's a pretty good start to help improve on player's moral and want to play the game.

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                      • Here is some advise instead of feedback. Immediately switch off the destiny 2 servers and refund everyone there money. Announce new content and updates for destiny 1. And see how the population will grow again on destiny 1. It’s all about ratings and money right? Doing this will make destiny great again, with a much higher player base. And people won’t complain about spending money at evervearse because the game is really good. Yes some players will complain. But no many 👍 #makedestinygreatagain

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                        Bądź w porządku dla innych. Poświęć chwilę na przejrzenie naszego Kodeksu Postępowania, zanim zamieścisz swój post. Anuluj Edytuj Stwórz drużynę ogniową Posty

                        1 Odpowiedź
                        • I dunno what there is to evaluate Bungie. The destiny community through YouTube, Twitch, Twitter, Reddit & these forums have all said enough is enough, Eververse needs to go. There is no if, and or but. There is no compromise. There is no trying a different way. We have spoken, we want it gone. So you can either continue to not listen and -blam!- this community over and continue to cause mass exodus from your game as you’ve continued to see with player drops or you can actually show your listening and remove it.

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                          Bądź w porządku dla innych. Poświęć chwilę na przejrzenie naszego Kodeksu Postępowania, zanim zamieścisz swój post. Anuluj Edytuj Stwórz drużynę ogniową Posty

                        • Here is why eververse and gaming sucks compared to past generations.

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                          Bądź w porządku dla innych. Poświęć chwilę na przejrzenie naszego Kodeksu Postępowania, zanim zamieścisz swój post. Anuluj Edytuj Stwórz drużynę ogniową Posty

                        • 1
                          Hezekiah Eleazar (Wretch)
                          Hezekiah Eleazar (Wretch)

                          Will help new players - stary

                          Add actual endgame content like in D1. Than EV would big as big of a problem. Also make it so we can just open a box 📦 instead of having to see Tess. Like in D1.

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