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Destiny 2

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Edytowany przez użytkownika Shadow: 9/12/2017 2:18:53 PM

Unofficial Official Petition to have a Failsafe Voice Ghost Shell

Wouldn't it be great to have the sassy, double personality AI as our ghost? I'd think it'd be a great option to either make a separate ghost shell that replaces Nolanbot with Failsafe or a selectable customization option. "I'll be your ghost!... ...but I'm going to be super unpleasant about it..." -DarkGhostPixel, Reddit Edit: Ah! My first trending post! Thanks, Guardians! If you have any other ideas, feel free to discuss them :) Edit 2: I've been seeing a lot of "No, she's annoying" posts. The whole point of this was for it to be an option, not a replacement.

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