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Obecnie badamy błędy wpływające na możliwość zalogowania do Destiny 2. Dopóki nie zostaną one naprawione, gracze mogą doświadczać samoczynnych wyjść i problemów z logowaniem. Aby być na bieżąco, obserwuj @BungieHelp.


Pomóż nam pomóc sobie.
Edytowany przez użytkownika Kell of Kellogs: 10/24/2017 8:55:09 PM

banned for nothing

Well I'm seeing many other people saying that they are being banned simply in the first second they are entering the game as I did not even have how to create the character and I did not have the possibility to enter I believe that the program has a bug I read all the rules and I did not nothing to be banned wanted an official response to believe in a bungie transparency. if you have also been banned without doing anything post here to know the problem! edit1: apparently a lot of people are being banned for some random reason even without any linked overlay application.

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