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Destiny 2

Dyskutuj o wszystkim, co dotyczy Destiny 2.
9/28/2017 4:14:48 AM

Please bring back the D1 Phaeton jumpship as D2 ships are all ugly (sorry to the designers but they are)

I understand for D2 they probably wanted everything to be new and different to D1 but in truth there is so many items that have been transferred over from D1 and either just implanted straight into the game or reskinned so why not the Phaeton which is simply the most beautiful ship from D1. The Phaeton is the one ship that really symbolises Destiny and was used in many logo, promotions etc. and it is a beautiful, almost fighter jet like jumpship (hats off to the person who designed it) and I cannot believe that in D2 every Phaeton jumpship in the universe was destroyed in the Red Legion's attack on the tower and the city. I hate to criticise the work of the design team that made the new ships for D2 but simply none of them are doing anything for me and I've picked what I feel is the least ugly of and hideously ugly bunch of ships. Please bring the Phaeton back even if it is now are very rare item. If the world of Destiny was real I would be spending all my spare time searching everywhere for another Phaeton to buy or fix up. Please bring it back.

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