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Edytowany przez użytkownika KrishnaDaBeast: 1/1/2016 8:01:01 AM

DEAR BUNGIE, my thoughts on this meta, and how you can fix it. (With some bad puns)

One of the complaint I have with this meta, in particular, is the over usage of weapons like 1000 Yard stare, MIDA, TLW and surprising thorn. Now one thing ONE thing I am not complaining about these weapons are not them being broken (OP) because that's far from[u] the truth[/u] (Thorn is debatable). I have a problem with them being Over Used which is irritable to me because they are the only guns that can be used to compete in matches and do well. It's a disadvantage if you use something like an answering chord or even hawk moon over MIDA and the TLW. So by buffing MOST OF THE PRIMARIES by even a little change that makes it good and unique, you would have essentially created a meta where anyone can find a gun there a good with. Secondly, please reduce special ammo, there have the 1-shot killing possibility if used right by the player, and it's ridiculously easy to do good with it. Why do you see many people sniping in a corner or choke point waiting for people the whole game? It's because they can! Why would you move and try to kill someone if you have loads of special and can kill easier waiting for someone to peak. No risks what so ever, and you what? I used to use my sniper more than my DAMN PRIMARY because of how easy it, and now I use my special when I need it and that's how it should be. In year 1 when someone was using just a shotgun, I usually message them saying "try a primary mate", and now it feels like every sniper needs to try their goddamn primary and to move around the map. Bungie these are some of my [u]super good advice[/u] for the year. BTW Happy New Year Mates :) and please tell me if you agree or if you disagree. And if you disagree, then explain why not please? Also please BUMP so hopefully many of you guys can see and possibly Bungie.

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