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Edytowany przez użytkownika Lord Puncake: 6/17/2015 1:05:25 AM


The Taken King was JUST officially announced, and people are ALREADY complaining. This is just ridiculous. Allow me to explain why each complaint is, for lack of a better term, -blam!-ing stupid. [b](Insert new subclass) is OP or UP:[/b] This is just stupid. We have yet to play them at all! All we have seen is just a few seconds of gameplay of each! We don't know about the large majority of the perks for each! There is no reason to say any of them is overpowered nor overpowered just yet. [b]It's overpriced:[/b] Again, pure stupidity. Could it be overpriced? Sure, but we have NO idea what all is in there specifically. We know there will be three new subclasses, a Raid, as well as numerous Strikes and Missions. We don't know all of the content within just yet! There's no way to say it is overpriced. [b]It's going to fail, like all of the other DLC's:[/b] Another baseless assumption. The Dark Below was mediocre, but House of Wolves was a GREAT step forward. Also, considering that The Taken King is FOURTY Gigabites, it is unlikely for it to be a colossal failure. However, there is no definitive way of knowing until it releases. Please let me know of any other pointless complaints that I may knock down! TL;DR: We know nothing about The Taken King. Stop complaining like little brats.

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