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Destiny 2

Discussioni su Destiny 2.
6/6/2023 8:07:10 PM

who thinks bungie is no longer providing the service we paid them to?

I think it is all roses and peaches


I think they are incompetent


yeah just answer the question



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  • Modificato da Animal Mother: 6/8/2023 5:39:29 AM
    So, I just got off of being banned for 30 days and ohh what can change in 30 days. Apparently there’s no pinnacle grind anymore? I delete the app when I’m banned and I don’t read the twab (I call them idgaf’s) to catch up. Also, I noticed they just give out exotics now. Complete your nightfalls and get an rng exotic engram. I can’t imagine a more halfassed approach tbh. We can all do GM’s here pretty soon, apparently.. but the weapons are shite. Let me just go fishing.. seriously? Fishing is what this game has come to? [spoiler]Bungie’s weird multisexual flop is coming soon for the 1/100 people who play this game.[/spoiler] [spoiler]It will be worse than Destiny is.[/spoiler]



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    • Duh, and if you speak out about it you get banned. Bungie can suck it and I hope they get a class action suite.



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    • Yeah this game has become unbearable now. Pvp is a fn wasteland, Gambit is a deadzone and Servers are completely dead. What did Sony buy them for if nothing is changing? I do not care how hard it is for a company to make changes, there hasn't been any significant health changes to the game in so long it's embarrassing.



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      • This isn’t the Bungie that made forsaken, TTK. Someone(s) else is calling the terrible shots. Someone(s) who doesn’t know gamers or what made this game popular. They want you to bend to their ideals and ways of playing. Hope the og devs found good jobs after leaving.



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      • It's all going to marathon



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      • Modificato da mannequin: 6/7/2023 1:17:34 PM
        This is a loaded poll, so no matter what option wins, it adheres to your personal bias. This isnt good feedback.



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      • Every day its more like a mobile game! We don't even explore anymore. It's just pick activity from orbit



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      • Well they still charge us like its a triple A game. But its not providing the content and experience of a triple A anymore. Im pretty sure in legal terms something could be done about it. But like most cases like that its mission impossible.



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      • Bungie is providing poor service because their too concerned with getting a high ESG score over providing for their customers who supply them with revenue. You want action, take the Bud Light approach, as soon as they lose a couple billion in sales, maybe they will change course.



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      • Modificato da Gemini Trash: 6/7/2023 7:39:26 AM
        This is such a broad statement that there's actually nothing to pull from it as feedback. Bungie if nothing else has been transparent and even communicates to the community on a bi-weekly basis. There's been direction changes and meta shifts on a seasonal basis as there has been since Destiny's inception. I'm not personally down with all of Bungie's choices, but it's weird that some of you don't pay attention to their announcements and react like this after the fact. It's kind of like Bungie straight up says "here are my up coming red flags" then you guys ignore them until it affects you, and then its "how dare you have these red flags". Feedback needs to be clear and direct



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        • Modificato da The Hermit IX: 6/7/2023 10:35:49 AM
          It’s either complete trash or complete bliss? That shows me everything I need to know. Basic bash the game post for a quick attention grab from the dim witted on the forums. All games are flawed. I accept D2 with it’s flaws because it’s a great game and isn’t expensive. $8.33 a month breakdown to have access to all content. The more you whine, the more the price will go up. All the slow thinking, knuckle draggers on the forums continually posted “cancel your preorder” then they bought the DLC day 1 without the seasons. Bungie then raised the price on buying seasons as you go along to teach you a lesson. Lol now you pay more so well done. If you don’t like the game, take a break and play something else. It’s a game not a life choice.



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          • What a balanced poll. No room for in-between. Tbh I don't know what I expect from the intellectual powerhouses of these forums.



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            10 Risposte
            • Bungie has abandoned this franchise and put all of their talent and resources into their new IP - being paid for by the money we spend to support Destiny. The actual expansion of TWQ was the last true AAA expansion/content this studio has produced for this Franchise. The talent moving to the other IP & the new philosophy of allowing bugged indy quality shallow content to “leave the train station unfinished” to have the live team scramble to fix during the seasons is blatantly evident in the quality of content produced from S17-present. Y’all need to start voting with your wallets & break your addiction to Destiny if you wish for Bungie to change the ship’s course.



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            • Personally I just log i to play Trials on a weekend and grind for weapons I need for trials. So it’s peachy.



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            • Have you tried not buying [b]EVERYTHING immediately[/b]? I’ve only paid about $60 for Destiny content since it left GamePass. That included the heaviest discounts on past DLCs and 50% off for Lightfall; and I’m not buying seasons lol. Y’all pay for everything only to hive-mind appreciation for a few moments then descend into disappoint for months.



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              • 31

                Non Active - 7/26/2024 1:06:43 AM

                Lightfall was pure garbage. A whole however many hours of "The Veil, The Veil" ending with the death of an important character being mocked, in front of his daughter, by a ten foot toddler who makes Jar Jar Binks look like a well rounded character. The two seasons we had are the same thing with a different skin, cant help feeling we have seen that happen before in other areas of the game, consisting of a story of "go here, do that, see ya next week". We even have the same mechanic of having to go somewhere else to talk to a character that was literally standing in front of you. I barely play these days, this game feels like a Deja Vu simulator. I just don't care anymore about the so called story, where it might go or whatever. Next season will be just as dull as the current two, the one after that will be the same horde mode with a fragment of barely a story per week and The Final Shape will be the biggest disappointment in the history of this tired franchise. The fact they wheeled out Cayde shows that they are desperate to build the hype. That's if they can actually keep this game working that long. Eververse gets how many original items a year over eight refreshes while Gambit and PVP are left to rot. And the so called Vanguard Ops is just boring, the same things we have been playing forever while removed strikes that could cycle in and out to freshen things up are forgotten. It genuinely feels that we are just seen as walking wallets for whatever tat they want to push out the door this season. We are paying more and more for less and less. It's just exhausting. If they announced that next season was the last and the lights would go out on Destiny at the end of the year I would not care a jot. I wont buy another Bungie game ever after the Destiny experience. I simply do not care about Destiny anymore. I just want it to be over.



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                11 Risposte
                • I stopped paying them for drivel. That Lightfall ViDoc was just so bad and I can't believe so many people bought it. The forums and the sad state of the product provide better entertainment these days and it's free of charge. I'll come back and give them money if they get their heads out of their asses. But from what I'm seeing, The Final Shape is shaping up to be The Final Fail.



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                • I think it's known at this point the absurd prices they're charging is funding Marathon, a purely PvP game when they've proven in 9 years they don't know what balance is. So there's that.



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                • Witch Queen was okay, but we haven't had a great expansion since Forsaken (isn't that 4 years ago now?)



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                  • Bungie, Fire every coder you have for this season, they are fracking horrible at their job. This season is so buggie, it's embarrassing. If anyone else was as horrible at their job as your coders are in reality (which they obviously are) they would be fired. Darth Lunchbox



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                    • I don’t think they’re incompetent, I think they have chosen to put their resources elsewhere. And they’re trying to squeeze every cent they can out of this franchise.



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                      • Tbh this isnt a very good pole, its basically presenting two extremes, either you think the game is perfect and doesnt need any help or its gone completely to hell and completely dead, isnt it possible to think there are some things in the game that are good and some things that clearly need to be looked at?



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                        • If this game got the proper people working on it and good content added like open world areas with world bosses on timers who can take a ton of damage. Or actual faction wars out in the wild this game could be the greatest game of all time



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                        • Yeah nah



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                        • Modificato da jhermannITJ: 6/7/2023 8:30:14 PM
                          One of the best values in gaming. I spend maybe 150usd per year. We'll see what Diablo offers long term... though, essentially, they're trying to copy Bungie's model. I bought the periscope emote pack yesterday 😉. Stop trying to shame people for enjoying their money... this business isn't predatory, imagine if Andy Wilson ran stuff? The criticism I have for the monetization, is that it's all over the place. Having to buy a proxy currency with a remainder to buy gameplay content doesn't look good either. There's too much confusion for new and returning players; what to buy to catch up or in targeting the content you want to play. There should be digital deluxe upgrade sku... there is recommended tab in Eververse now; for new and returning players that tab should outline and explain their options with new skus to match... like a Dungeon pass. I want a premium add-on sub program like GTA.



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                          41 Risposte
                          • Modificato da Joshazorr: 6/9/2023 10:26:26 AM
                            Game Devs? They're just people doing what they're paid to do. But the leaders/suits directing and limiting workers to not "over deliver" absolutely do not care about Destiny and haven't for a VERY long time



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