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Destiny 2

Discusión sobre Destiny 2
9/14/2022 12:36:45 AM

Control is now Comp

They actually came out and said it. On the leave match early penalty screen it actually says you left a competitive match. So now Crucibles dedicated player base has to play Comp, only this time no Comp rewards. It doesn’t even seem real Bungie can be this disconnected. Wow.

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  • Player…..vs…..Player Hmmm, sounds like a competition to me. If it was Player….meets….Player that might be considered casual. Or Player…..loves…..Player that’s more than casual. But alas, it’s not either of those.

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    26 Respuestas
    • I'm sure getting suspended from casual quickplay matches will make players enjoy terrible matches in the future after their suspension is lifted, yea right LMAO. Cringe company that doesn't know what they are doing at all. Turning a casual pvp party playlist in a casual pve looter shooter into a tournament for everyone with a positive KD and then bannign them for quitting laggy sweatfiesta matches. Good one.

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    • Editado por Chunk: 9/16/2022 1:15:37 AM
      Read the twab.. Bungie kinda pointed fingers.... Highest skilled players lobbies the most. Go figure...

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      2 Respuestas
      • Hahaha. I don’t care. Time me out. I’ll go play another game. I leave games when 1- tapped by a 180 HC Insta killed repeatedly in spawn Spawned behind or next to enemy Watching rubber branders laggers Poor hit detection I don’t have an issue with internet or sbmm. I have an issue with p2p bastardized connection.

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      • Just don't quit. So easy.

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        • It's pvp it'd always competitive why would you think otherwise.

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        • Sloppy copypasta style implementation aside, it’s fine. Just play the game through and go to the next game. The salty quitters ruin the experience for multiple other people, which is not what is intended. Bungie is actually trying to save the community from itself here. Don’t be a b*tch, play the game.

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          • No. Its a playlist with SBMM. Where you have people who are trying to undermine/game the MM to protect inflated stats....and Bungie is putting a stop to it.

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            91 Respuestas
            • Love when people complain about this tuff and don't address the reality... there are posts that talk about people leaving matches early ... it happens all the time. it's people who are so focused on Every Losers Obsession (ELO) and their KD that they leave the match when they start dying too much or external apps show they will have a hard time playing the match. Be mad at the stat farmers just as much as people are mad at Bungie for this.

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            • Bungie likes to punish the playerbase they hate so much, they also like putting the onus on players as well. Problems, crashes and network connections are always the player's fault.

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            • Deal with it 😎

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            • SBMM is the worst thing to happen to QP. The last thing i want to do in Qp is sweat. If i wanted to do that, i would load up trials/comp. Bungo do not care about PvP.

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            • To the PvP community, This was a patch. You can't adapt. Please git gud. Your new meta is: penalties for quitting control. Lmfao at you.

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            • Crucible was comp from the beginning, weren't you playing to win?

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              5 Respuestas
              • Editado por The2ndWave: 9/14/2022 7:08:53 PM
                Here’s a take that I haven’t seen yet. It may or may not happen, but I’ll throw it out there anyway. If SBMM would truly work every time. Those regular quitters who would quit and get penalized are gone for sometime. While they are gone, it will actually improve the game experience a little bit for those who are already enjoying the SBMM mode. So this is a win-win for Bungie and those in the community that enjoys SBMM. Now the only thing that needs addressing are lag/ connection issue, and stacked teaming. Stack teaming could probably be solved by implementing lobby skill balancing. I don’t know how much they’re gonna do this, but since Free PvP mode is not a priority here now, it might not happen. Some of the lag/connection issue may also be attributed to crossplay, which may not be addressed as well since player numbers for this game is dwindling and is not optimal. Other than the that, one complaint of quitters leaving and now getting banned for a few minutes may actually help the experience of the already happy SBMM crowed that is already enjoying the game again. It could be a win-win scenario, for now. One more thing, I see a lot of gamers here threatening to stop playing, quit and leave the game for good because of this new quitter’s penalty. Welp, I guess it’s time for me to say this: This is not the Airport! Bwahahahahahaha! I always wanted to say that but I couldn’t find the opportunity yet. I guess this is a perfect time now.🤣 Wave goodbye guys when you hit the Departure Area of the Forums Airport. Hehe!

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              • Why not keep clash permanent, use CBMM, have it casual without quitting penalty and let people chocolate which to play. Or are options bad?

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              • It has been comp for lower skilled players for years, you will get used to it

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              • if you keep score it is competitive, just because it says quick play doesn't mean its not going to be competitive. Are you sad and unhappy that you now must work to protect that KD you were previously farming for?

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                2 Respuestas
                • No it's not. It's only like that if you play like that because mm doesn't determine how you play, just who you play. And sooner or later(probably later), the community gotta stop blaming bungie for how we choose to play pvp. No one forces anyone to use meta and sweat, people are doing it themselves. That's because they are trying to win, because to many, winning equals fun. And whichever mm increases their chance of winning, they like.

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                • Haha people can’t even play the objective in control …..capping ?!😂 Comp 😂

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                • I've copied+pasted this to other forum topics, and will continue to do so. This "quitter penalty" to casual playlist matches is beyond bs, so thank you all for voicing your concerns and frustrations. Bungie can't leave well enough alone. The company that USED to be the "good" Bungie (aka old Halo) had a difference between ranked matches and the "casual" matches. Casual was where you'd go to eff off with your friends and not care, and the "ranked" was when you actually gave a crap. Why this new implementation of a "quitter penalty" to a "casual" game mode is beyond me. Hey Bungie, how about stop making garbage maps; sorry you put forth so much effort into "Dysjunction," but nobody likes that map. Moreover, how about ROTATE THE DAMN MAPS! It's been what, over 3+ years since they've rotated the maps? | Get rid of Disjunction (misfunction), Cathedral of Nobody-asked-for-it, and Dead Spawn-in-lockers Cliffs.....then the community might, MAYBE like the mode a little better. When you enforce a "quitter" penalty on what is supposed to be a "casual" mode, this just makes more people not want to play. You implemented SBMM [again], and yet's crap. If I wanted to sweat, I'd do Comp or Trials, and even then it's a toss-up on how my teammates will perform. If I'm trying a particular [new/fun] loadout, but either: 1.) the map is trash, and/or 2.) my team is trash... it's kinda hard to playtest something. Since you already restrict the playlists and maps that already exist, it seems beyond scummy that you would enforce a quitter penalty on the only "casual" crucible node that exists. Y'all seriously need to get your -blam!- together. Old Bungie (you know, that one's that were good and developed the old Halo's) would be turning in their graves. Shame on you all.

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                  3 Respuestas
                  • If Control isn't competitive then it doesn't need SBMM since it would be a casual playlist and needs speed over balance (mostly) If Control is competitive then it needs SBMM but then needs rewards only for the players in the higher brackets. Also if it is competitive then it needs more of a penalty for losing a match just like Competitive.

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                  • As if I didn't have enough reasons to avoid PvP already

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                  • The jokes on you. Destiny has never been competitive in the slightest.

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                    2 Respuestas
                    • Can’t believe the Jim’s that play 3 games a week think this is a positive thing…. 🤡

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                    • Editado por Orca: 9/14/2022 4:28:53 PM
                      Seriously. If Bungie is going to create a daycare for bad players who don't improve, then they should be rewarding the good players for getting so good that they need to be quarantined from the rest of the community. I'm a casual player who only solo/ duo-queues, but apparently, I'm so toxic that I should only queue with streamers, popular YouTubers, and sweaty 6-stacks. I'd like a few banners, pinnacle rewards, ornaments, and maybe something like Not Forgotten to come back for these top 1% players.

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