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Destiny 2

Discussioni su Destiny 2.
Modificato da RussellMania: 10/22/2020 10:08:03 PM

Get ready for another year of AR’s dominating Crucible

Nerfing the bodyshot damage of 600 rpm AR’s is pointless when they retain a 0.7s optimal TTK and the removal of 150’s essentially nerfs optimal handcannon TTK to 0.87s with no forgiveness buff. 110’s (now 120’s) are still only going to have a 1.0s optimal TTK and also received no forgiveness buff. I’m sorry, but DMG of all people saying handcannons felt good in playtesting is probably the last thing that inspires confidence in me. Guess we’ll have to wait til Witch Queen for handcannons to (maybe) be competitive again. I’m not even getting into the glaring omissions like Bastion, Arbalest, or ALL ability tuning... “because stasis” lol. Yeah cool, but at some point I’d like to use Nova Bomb which hasn’t been good at any point in D2. You’d think since we typically only get 1 meaningful sandbox update per year, it would be more substantive than this.



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  • Coming from the ape that has more shotgun kills than anything else. Shotguns = no skill and you cry about auto rifles. Get real monkey.



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  • They are dropping the BULLET damage to 14.25. This is all it’s damage, not just body/crit damage. It will be .50 up from pre buff. Autos will be viable, just not what they are right now. Read before you make some stupid post crying about something you clearly don’t understand.



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  • I’d rather have autos I’m sick of hand cannons



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    11 Risposte
    • Best news on sandbox ever in D2 ... the no skill hand cannon kiddies are the only ones screaming



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      73 Risposte
      • This is why I play cod pvp .. Dont have to worry about people constantly wanting nerfs .. People adapt & play accordingly.. You make a mistake your dead.. Constant blips on the radar isnt a thing unless a uav is up .. Snipers one shot to the chest.. If youre better than the other player and close the gap you can beat out an ar or an lmg with a pistol .. Shotguns are viable on certain maps they arent a requirement .. Theres no meta .. There arent people who prefer smgs over ars crying that ars need a Nerf or ar users crying about smgs .. Nobody complaining about snipers or lmgs etc etc They might as well just implement rogue companys weapon armor & gadget upgrade system to this game the way every couple of weeks people complain about what others use to kill them



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        4 Risposte
        • but 120s will 1 crit 2 bodies tho?? thats pretty forgiving. handcannons have been in the meta way too many times. personally i want a pulse rifle meta or a side arm meta. how is nova bomb not good tho? it is in its own way i just wouldnt pick it cause top tree sunsinger is way better



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          3 Risposte
          • Just shoot em dude



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          • The main issue is map design. D1 had better maps with better lanes and routes. It even had large maps for vehicles, which felt better suited to the game. They tried to go MLG with D2 and failed miserably.



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            2 Risposte
            • I wish optimal time to kill actually dictated most my PvP engagements...



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            • i don't get annoyed at guns like ARs being strong... i get annoyed when the guns i want to use cant compete



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            • A lot of people are complaining about hand cannons, but they are a major factor in what is different about Destiny. The other weapons have all been seen before, but hand cannons are interesting and unique, offering a different style of gunplay. I find it bizarre that people would complain about something that makes a game unique and don’t just play other games. Hand cannons are and always have been the majority’s favorite weapons, so they will always thrive. I just don’t understand the mentality of wanting an auto rifle meta. Why not just play COD or Battlefield then? You can play a game and enjoy it, but you can’t decide when you want the meta to shift and where to shift it to, especially if you’re in the minority.



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              5 Risposte
              • No nerf for ARs. Please



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              • Nerfing the base damage that the crit multiplier is calculated from, think about it....



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              • They dominate every game. It’s an auto rifle. They’re supposed to be the best. There’s plenty of cheese out there. Get good



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              • I'm calling it. Crimson will be meta next season. It's an aggressive frame so it should benefit from the rof buff. It's already good now, also that archetype is getting a range buff and it has very good range. Last word might also be good if it gets the magazine buff that 180s are getting. Mida will probably make a comeback and all lightweights and rapid fires will probably do well in crucible. Precision frame may also take over 600s autos. I also wouldn't be surprised if 600s get a few stealth nerfs, most likely to range.



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                1 Rispondi
                • I don’t imagine anybody right now is thinking about PVP in BL.



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                • dude, handcannons have been pretty dominant since d1. autos had a very brief period in vanilla d1 and d2 until they were nerfed, now they shine for a little while and you complain? bungie nerfing bodyshot damage is a big deal because hitting mostly crits with an auto is neigh impossible. the ttk is only if you hit all heads, which is never going to happen in the real world so the ttk will hover somewhere near 120rpm handcannons, one second. 120 handcannon peak shotting an auto will win a large majority of the time.



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                  19 Risposte
                  • The fact that you claim Nova bomb hasn't been good at any point in D2 and that the sandbox is only changed once a year pretty much makes me ignore the rest of what you say. Especially since it makes your pvp bias abundantly clear. Another example of people complaining about things being so terrible that haven't happened yet.



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                    1 Rispondi
                    • Get ready for another year of forum -blam!-! This is op, that killed me to fast! My super sucks! Not directed at op, but just a statement on reporting on the obvious. Bungie has a difficult time balancing things and keeping the majority of players happy. If they wanna share numbers tho, I would LOVE for them to open up about their RNG system. I think it is weighted and flawed against the players and nothing anyone can say will change my mind. That’s what they need to fix more than anything.



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                      • We won’t know how it plays out until it does. Moving lightweight hcs to adaptive slows fire rate obviously. So with a mini nerf to auto rifles, it may feel the same as the current season. But since scouts got a nice little bit of love, we might see some diversity. What we need are bigger maps, or maps that cater to both short and long range play. Side arms and smgs will still be great options.



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                        • You mean a dude that gets carried in multiple streams a weekend isn't a sound voice to base balance adjustments off of? Weird... I thought that would be the perfect opinion to resonate with.



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                          25 Risposte
                          • Modificato da Mister Chief: 10/24/2020 8:44:18 PM
                            I'm almost certain the reduction in damage does take Crit damage into account. the reduction in damage will cause headshots to do less damage as well.



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                            1 Rispondi
                            • Modificato da blade329: 10/23/2020 3:38:18 PM
                              LOL!!! I love the ridiculous PvP community. Always great for laughs. Destiny players - "Give auto rifles some love. I'm sick of the hand cannon meta" Bungie - "Okay, we are buffing auto rifles and making them more potent" Destiny players a week later - "Waaahhhh.....I'm sick of this auto rifle meta. Nerf them!!!" Bungie - "Sighhhh......" Keep being YOU, guys. It's great comedy.



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                              36 Risposte
                              • Sigh. Another HC aren’t best weapon class thread. They are usable and best peek shot or clean ups in the game. Also Nova is very usable. Just not oppressive tier like attunement of sky or way of wraith doesn’t mean you can’t work with it.



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                                10 Risposte
                                • It is just sad. This is what I was thinking too. The nerf on 600 rpm auto rifles is good but they shouldn’t have touched the 150 hand cannons. Making these 140’s is the death of hand cannons. I looked at the destiny breakdown spreadsheet you can find online. 600 rpm AR have optimal ttk of 0.7 and on body shots 1.2. 150 rpm HC have optimal ttk of 0.8 and on body shots 1.6. How is it possible that they nerf 150 hand cannons more then 600 rpm AR’s? The Sunshot stays 150 but is not feeling amazing in PvP for me. I would rather have the Thorn stay 150. The 110’s to 120 like you say will also not have the effect that it will compete in PvP. Ttk is too slow and reloading takes half a day. Nobody wants to use them. So it will probably be like you say AR meta again... Which in my opinion is the most easy, forgiving and annoying meta of all meta’s.



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                                  11 Risposte
                                  • DMG gets carried every weekend to the lighthouse by Frostbolt and ZkMushroom. He has no right to make comments about the sandbox.



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