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5/30/2019 10:40:21 PM

This Week at Bungie - 05/30/2019

This week at Bungie, we revealed Season of Opulence.

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  • Best thing about this upcoming season is definitely going to be the forums igniting even worse. 🍷🍿🔥🔥🔥

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    27 Replies
    • What time does the raid go live?

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    • Edited by TheShadow-cali: 6/3/2019 1:35:07 PM
      I've decided since Bungie, meaning the higher-ups only care about themselves and not the best interest for this game and players base. Your next "Annual Pass" isn't going to be worth buying at all because of the lack of respect and effort that has been put into this game. Most know with these weekly updates even the replies that are legit, the ones that really care about the game goes into this... I have watched over the last 2 years on how much legit feedback has actually been ignored in spite of the negative feedback and what was the higher-up's solution? a "community summit" knowing most can care less about people that make a living trying to get others to subscribe. Your player base makes the game, not streamers and without the average gamer, Bungie would literally be nothing. Even this reply I made will go into that shredder because the higher-ups don't give a flying hoot about the game or player base, and that is a straight out fact. I can easily prove it right now and this is a fact. D3 is being created and not 1 single time has Bungie bothered to have the respect to involve the player base in it as they didn't in D2 and look at what actually happened to the base game and where things are now? [spoiler]Let's see, The base game turned out to be a mess and Bungie spent an entire year wasting time and resources bringing some of what D1 is into D2. They lost almost 80% of their player base the first couple months Then CoO was released and that made matter literally worse, Oh, and that is not including the XP throttling, using Tess as end-game content and another shady practice. Then because sales were not doing well with the base game, the price dropped 3 times with Bungie trying to play it off as if they were giving deals. Next, the base game was sold with the first 2 expansions half off.[/spoiler] So, with all this and yet to come, You think the community doesn't have the right to be toxic? Go ahead and keep ignoring your true fans, and that is not streames, because with this type of mentality Bungie's next Annual Pass will not sell well and neither will D3 because the higher-ups love to ignore legit feedback and do it their way. Edit: Here, I'll do Bungie a favor and help them out, it is really simple logic. For the love of whoever, [b](learn from D1 on what actually worked for the game) and apply it to D2 and D3. (Problem literally solved.)[/b] Edit: I installed the game last night and stupid things like loading into the tower over a year later that you end up spectating hasn't been fixed at all. it's part of why I won't buy the next Annual Pass. This stuff adds up and shows how much effort is being put into this game to fix things to get it running properly.

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      21 Replies
      • Here comes another horde mode grind machine and now with a brand new currency. Meanwhile enhancement cores are kept in infusion as if the players had never complained about that. Yes, they are surely listening to our feedback.

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      • If all you did was buff the damage PvE enemies do, you could drop the horde modes altogether. The way Osiris had to duck dodge and weave from fire by Vex goblins, you'd think either A) this is his first time playing the game at lvl 1, or B) he's playing a different, better game than what I am. But gee, I wonder if the next next raid will feature yet another horde mode with absurd mechanics? Call me old fashioned, but futuristic killer robots, devilspawn, and four armed superhumans should be... I dunno, respected and feared?

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      • Edited by IamJophus: 6/4/2019 1:29:47 AM
        Oh goody - another currency. Just what we need. That'll only be better if you've also managed to take up more of my consumables space by taking slots for each color and ensuring they don't stack. (Extreme sarcasm). Buffs? For what you buffed, seems reasonable, but overall is underwhelming. Path to Revoker - OK, but is another short sighted approach to fixing the broader Comp issues. Last few TWABs have been complete failures IMO, and this one is still only about a D-.

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        7 Replies
        • I lost interest after reading Normal Menagerie has matchmaking, but Heroic does not. I fail to understand why it needs to be that way. Yes, I know LFG is a thing. Unfortunately, most of my clan has given up on Destiny; and forging fireteams with randoms just isn’t the same. I’m also dreading the poor matchmaking the activity likely will have, or that it will probably incorporate some lame timer mechanic. But I will wait and see.

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          3 Replies
          • Yawn. Oh goodie. Yet another currency ... just what nobody asked for. Still can’t come up with one good reason to buy another season pass....

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            2 Replies
            • Edited by eff-s3v3n: 6/3/2019 4:01:29 AM
              This week at bungie:

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            • Swords and fusion rifles, yep that’s what everyone wanted. Who is running your focus groups? Your telling me the overwhelming desire from your player base was a buff for fusion rifles and swords? That is what you deemed to be the priority? Over things like enhancement cores, bloom and flinch on hand cannons not in the 180rpm category, lack of new strikes, strike bosses being killed in 5 seconds, adding meaningful stats to year 1 armor, the Nerf first mentality? I could honestly go on but I’ll leave that list there. But!!!!! You completely redeem yourself with giving us more t-shirts and replicas and a championship belt for us to purchase. Another bad decision and a long line of bad decisions. P.S. before any of you brown nosing, fanboy, snowflake, Uber sensitive, sheep say some shit like “then stop playing” or “you don’t have to buy the replica”, or my favorite “ it’s hard to make a video game, bungie can’t please everyone”, You can all eat sheep and choke on the turd pellets. It only takes common sense to see that bungie is screwing up left and right, putting minimal effort into this game and attempting to maximize profits. If you want to maximize profits then put in the damn effort and I’ll happily give you plenty of money bungie. Till then, bungie deserves a flogging for this kind of behavior.

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              27 Replies
              • Twab = Here is your weekly turd sandwich, sans bread...

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                6 Replies
                • I have a few suggestions for some appropriate name changes in Destiny 2. Pinnacle Weapons = Temporary Pinnacle Weapons Powerful Rewards = Rewards Enhancement Cores = Roadblocks Ammo finder = Ammo Placebo Sleeper Stimulant = Dead Weight

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                • Hey Bungie, You announce nerfs and get over 6000 angry customer on the forum letting you know they think it’s a bad idea. A week later you announce your plans moving forward and a couple buffs and get 600 mostly apathetic replies. If you use this as a loose barometer for your overall player base that’s about 90% that disapprove of your current announcements and direction. This doesn’t even include the many who have all ready left Destiny. Since D2 release I’ve had two separate clans go from full and active to being dismantled. D1 was one raid group turned to clan that completely fell apart early in D2 because of the direction you tried to take the game. How long are you going to continue in futility and throw away such great potential. Whom ever has the voice of direction for Destiny as a franchise, maybe it’s time for them to go.

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                  16 Replies
                  • Edited by AgentofBolas: 6/3/2019 6:08:55 PM
                    And the next season is now looking very grim. This will be a large fail for bungie

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                    1 Reply
                    • Edited by gran_lobo72: 6/3/2019 11:28:26 AM
                      The forums are awesome I get all the entertainment I need!! I have a very active imagination you guys paint a very vivid picture it’s more fun to read the forums than play the game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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                    • Im just here to watch the game fail

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                      2 Replies
                      • Yoooooo DONT NERF LUNAS AND NOT FORGOTTEN PEOPLE WILL BE PISSED !!!! So much grinding to be so disrespected will make me wanna throw my game out the window !!!!!!!!

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                      • If you guys keep this up, you will have people calling "TWAB" "This Whack Ass-Bull**it". Are you guys intentionally trying to tank this game?

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                        4 Replies
                        • For -blam!-s sakes can you guys please fix your God damn servers I'm tired of getting spammed with guitar and anteater and it's not just me my friends I'm playing with are getting hit with the same error codes like you nerfing all this unnecessary shit instead of fixing all the shit wrong with the game. Load screen in the tower that freezes your character spammed contacting destiny servers shit drop rate for forge shaders braytech weapons and the service revolver like you've had all this time to fix shit but yet it's still broken like do you guys even give a -blam!- about this game like sit down and do legit maintenance on this game.

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                        • Looking good, this looks like the best season yet. Nice one 👍

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                          7 Replies
                          • Have we ever had a TWAB that succeeded to get and keep upvotes ? But any remove cores can get thousands? You people asking for better descriptions of all the issues. How many hints do you guys need ?

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                            9 Replies
                            • So that's your idea of "buffs"? This company is a meme

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                              2 Replies
                              • Why do you keep trying to balance Legendaries and Exotics? “This change was done to move Legendary Fusion Rifles a little closer to the Exotics as the gap between them was quite large, at least in PvE.” If Legendaries perform like Exotics, the Exotics aren’t really Exotic anymore. The whole point to Exotics is the superior performance over other weapons, but you keep Nerfing Exotics, and increasing Legendaries. There are so many Exotics that suck in this game because you keep making Legendaries that out perform if not perform at the same level as the Exotic counterpart. Example: Suros Regime sucks compared to Breakneck.

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                                4 Replies
                                • Despite all the nerfs to exotic armor you aren't buffing any ? Don't get me wrong alot of why people were using things like rigs is because they are so strong but another reason that goes unnoticed is the fact there are very gimmicky horrible exotics .. why would I ever use stronghold even with the sword buff swords aren't gonna be viable because of one thing STOMPS, well run up to swing a sword and get stomped a football field away and then the add the stomped us will continuously fire add at you never a reload or Gatorade they just keep firing a full gambit map away

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                                  6 Replies
                                  • This week at bungo we decided to need some more shit.

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                                  • Season of ignorance more like!!

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