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Destiny 2

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5/16/2024 3:40:41 PM


Hey, so I read something the other day and someone said there's a piece of lore where the Drifter tells Eris she needs to actually decorate her living space on the Moon which makes her get a welcome mat and a tea kettle later on. Does anyone know what lore this is where Drifter says that to Eris? I tried finding it on the Ishtar site, but no luck. Any help with this would definitely be appreciated
#lore #destiny2

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    • It may help but there is a section of some Eido lore similar to this that you may be able to work out other searches based on? [quote] The Scribe looked down at her tea. Humans tended to drink such things communally, but Eris had not poured a cup for herself. Letting her eyes wander, [b]Eido realized the room was oddly bare but for the teapot and a tattered mat at the door's threshold. The lettering on it was illegible. There was a long silence. "I was asked to make this place more hospitable," Eris said. Eido wasn't sure if that was an explanation or an apology.[/b][/quote]

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