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Destiny 2

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Edytowany przez użytkownika Architect Mind: 5/11/2024 12:49:34 AM

Science and game stuff again

So I had brought up a few times, pointers and memory, I'm still wondering about what that would look like in the definition of consciousness. We should want to forget things, we should want our brains to forget things. So I was trying to imagine what that test would look like on the vex level, and on how Clovis integrated it. Yeah DER and wipes, but there is an entire purpose between what these scientists were doing. You have a digital hide-a-way. Memory wipes (never figured out how to make it naturally erase and replace) Have we seen them testing it already, or in the process of it? We've seen the test sight. Test for empathy, though that wasn't really a good test, was there any weight behind the Empathic Mind. Sure the test of loss, and trying to understand the loss of the Captain. But if his memory resides with them, then is he truly lost. The test for being real in time. Eh, screw it, here's an article. [url=]memory[/url] **I still think they learned to lie. **I think we accepted a bold face lie. **I think guardians are just narrative pieces, not hero or villain, just "flowing" pieces of a story. **I speak for the traveler, its saying something about "this conversation is boring, you're boring".
#lore #destiny2

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