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5/3/2024 10:06:12 PM

Double Gambit Reputation not applying

Hi, I don't know if anyone has had this issue but double gambit reputation has not been properly applying to my account. I had this issue last time double gambit rep was up and I stopped playing that week hoping it would fix itself. All of my friends who I played with are getting the proper double rep boost while I'm getting the normal amount of reputation. I noticed a weird bug on my first reset that once i reached a 5 streak, it would not go down. I did one strike to see and my gambit streak was still at 5. So i did a full unboosted gambit reset to reset the streak and it did not fix it. I've never had this happen to me or anyone I know so I don't know what to do. I was hoping to see if i could pass this bug or issue along and hopefully get it fixed the next time gambit rep comes around. Thank you.

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