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Destiny 2

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3/3/2024 6:30:01 PM

Gambit Invader Timer Is Busted

I can't help but notice that I'm seeing Invaders still lingering on the field for as much -blam!--seconds AFTER the timer hits 0:00, and even after Drifter has said, "Invader is gone!" And it's not just a visual bug, because these invaders are STILL scoring kills after the timer has expired. What gives, Bungie?

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  • I am pretty sure this is a hack or exploit, as I had this happen in a game recently. Obviously if you kill them they return to the other side, but when it happened the first time I thought it was a visual glitch on the death screen. No more kills after I respawn so kept going about the game until suddenly we have another invade and the 1st one comes out of hiding for a double invade. Best way to counter it is to be sure to hunt them down instead of hiding, and report the issue to Bungie when you see them still on the field.

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    2 Odpowiedzi
    • Can’t believe e this one round one mode activity is still around . Vault it already 😂

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    • I've not seen this once since the mode came to be. Strange how vastly different reported experiences are. Getting kills after the buzzer with a Revnant tornado, Colony round, Wolfpack round. etc....hey it happens. I do love how invadea are incentivised with Medals Fond Farewell - "kill an opposing guardian in the last five seconds if your invasion and be emoting when Drifter brings you back to your side." I'm working on this one now & it's a hoot!!!!!! Cheers!!!

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    • Check if they're on psn (they will be). Huge desync issues between platforms

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