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12/4/2023 8:38:44 AM

Triumphant silver bundle

I bought this silver bundle and it’s supposed to come with a emote and 1,700 silver I got the silver and no emote contacted support 2 times about it and they closed the ticket saying this.. The Emote from a Silver and Emote bundle can be acquired in-game from Cryptarch Rahool in the Tower Plaza. Players encountering issues with their bundle content should ensure that their transaction completed successfully and that their platform shows that they have the associated game licenses enabled on their account. This is some bull crap cause after they closed the first ticket saying this I reopened cause it still wasn’t their and they sent me the same email and closed it again after I told them that like this company has went downhill since I started playing this game on d1 launch day! Use to be an amazing game and community now it’s just toxic!!

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