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Destiny 2

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Edytowany przez użytkownika Pegged by Mara Sov: 4/9/2023 3:15:10 PM

What is the point of max light level (New player)

So im kinda new to Destiny 2 got the game just before lightfall, and mabey i am misunderstanding something but what is the point of reaching max light level? I'm just gonna use GM nightfall as an example it has a recommended light level of 1840 but max effective light level is 1815 And so i struggle to see the point of the pinnacles if it isn't gonna make me stronger/better in these types of mission. Makes it feel like im just farming for a number that really doesn't matter. Im currently light level 1827 and im still missing some 1810 Gear but see no reason to keep grinding for more "powerful" gear because it's not really gonna make me more powerful. Not an English speaker so if there is any grammar mistakes my bad. Have a nice day Guardian

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  • Hi - There actually isn't much of a need to grind out power level any longer. There are a limited number of activities you can overlevel for that will make those activities easier. One example being legend and master lost sectors. You can in theory overlevel them by +20 at maximum effectiveness. So good news - no need to stress about the pinnacle grind any longer :)

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