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7/11/2022 5:00:43 PM

Getting to the point I'm going to stop supporting Destiny altogether

I'm constantly bombarded by error codes mainly Weasel, then baboon, ant, and bee sometimes. For the majority of the time I have logged on in the past few weeks I've been getting contact destiny 2 servers and even when I play playlists or travel to the tower, I'm often waiting because of some said delay. I get kicked to the title screen yet am able to resume only after the fact. For more clarity, this isn't the first time this has happened, I've followed all the information that I can from troubleshooting guides and connection issues, resolved them and changed my setup, yet here we are again. I'm even playing when generally NO ONE is on, or using other resources to take away from the internet. I shouldn't be having connectivity problems at 2-3AM. Connection issues usually happen during PVP,/gambit at that time yet when I actually look at my connection bar/ check internet etc. it usually either says I have a "low" connection in destiny then goes back to a full bar connection. But if I check anywhere else and my pc's actual connectivity to the internet its full bars. How can I play during regular internet hours and my connection not be bad but when no one else is using internet that's when I have connection issues? My NAT type is OPEN. Because of these issues now I have a 2 month restriction from 2/3rds of the game because of connection problems and can't complete things relevant to the season. This is not acceptable.

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  • I only play gambit and crucible to do exotic quests or running around trying to get all the stuff for deadeye. I was kicked for who knows how long for connection issues that I’ve never had before ever. my PS4 has been ethernet to fiber optic’s for years and since cross play it’s terrible. even in a strike if i’m connected to any non ps4 and go to equip a different weapon it just thinks a quite a few seconds longer than normal. Something is going on with cross play across regions. I think Servers are struggling with this

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    Bądź w porządku dla innych. Poświęć chwilę na przejrzenie naszego Kodeksu Postępowania, zanim zamieścisz swój post. Anuluj Edytuj Stwórz drużynę ogniową Posty

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