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Destiny 2

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2/4/2022 10:42:53 PM

When will we get proper team balancing in pvp?

I'm really getting tired of being put on a team with people who literally do not know how to play the game. I don't know what you use for team balancing, or if there even is team balancing; but when I look at Destiny Tracker, at one of my last matches, and see that I am the only person who is above platinum elo, and the average elo is still only 200 apart, I REEEEEEEEEEALLY question the effort that has been put into the system. Like this is really bad. I make up 33% of my teams combined elo, which means the game does not account for individual elo amounts. It only tries to make the average elo equal. What ends up happening, is then 5 bad players (low elo), and 1 really good player (high elo) are put on the same team. Is this balanced? HELL NO! One player can't carry an entire team, the majority of the time. It usually ends up in a slaughter house for the 5 low elo teammates, and the one high elo teammate just trying to survive.

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