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Destiny 2

Dyskutuj o wszystkim, co dotyczy Destiny 2.
6/10/2020 2:05:26 PM


Different posts, different reasons, but one general message - "Sunsetting hard grinded weapons/armor and Raid Gear just sucks". I understand (well, not fully, but can see that it may make sense from a different viewpoint) the argument, that previous release models were too stressfull for devs and the constant balancing issues a pain for you. Fine. Point taken. But this can't be the solution. Agonizing hours of grinding 21Delirium or Randy's throwing knife - and now I will not be able to use my favourite weapons in Iron Banner or Master Nightfalls any more? It's the reason I grinded in the first place! Anyways, many other posts have already established that this does a lot of damage to the moral and motivation of the player base. This is a request to change this. Please. Just want to do a count on how many people agree.

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