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Edytowany przez użytkownika Ellwood: 10/31/2019 1:57:11 AM

Broken or missing Y2 Milestones

Hi Bungie and community, I have not received a milestone from Ada-1 since the launch of Shadowkeep. Both my Hunter and Warlock receive the milestone. I mentioned it to my clan and someone mentioned they have not received a Werner-99 milestone since the launch of Shadowkeep. I made this post as I have not found any real information on this issue. I looked on the PC known issues and it was not mentioned. Is there a workaround I can do on my end? Maybe like do the milestone regardless of it being on my director, remove all the ballistic logs I have in my inventory, etc... Does anyone else have broken or missing milestones? Please assist, I can provide any account information you may require* Thank you

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