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9/18/2019 1:40:50 PM

An old issue I've had with PayPal - which led to a negative silver amount - hounts me today and prevents the crosssave feature?

So basically the title says all: Around more than a year ago I had an issue with my PayPal, didn't receive the silver amount initially, got my money back but the set my silver amount ingame to a negative amount (-5700 to be precisely). It's not enough that I dealt with that issue for the last years since (LITERALLY) NOBODY at Bungie was willing to help me out - I'm not able to activate Cross-Save now because of this shit? Funny thing? I thought gaming press (I'm an editor for various media) could've a bigger chance to reach out for proper support - the last 12-15 month proven me wrong. What to do? Getting over it being locked out again? Without help? That's not about not being able to use Everversum anymore - it's about slapped to the face for trying to use a new core mechanic which is pretty crucial in this timeframe of D2' lifetime... Proper, official support would be much appreciated. People jumping on a troll train accusing me to scam Bungie or something like that will be ignored completely. We ain't got time for that.
#Help #Eververse

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