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Destiny 2

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3/23/2019 7:00:41 PM

FOV on console and Aim assist

While playing Destiny 2 on PC I had a fun time with a complete different experience and I tried to pick out why. When I returned to Xbox since I have more progress on console and wanted to get last word, I noticed a really big change. The fov option needs to be a thing on console because I just don’t play Destiny on Console just for that purpose and I don’t like it because I have multiple friends on Xbox who play Destiny. Aim assist to me is another problem because since playing Pc I felt like I had escaped jail and it was so liberating for the purpose that my aim doesn’t feel so restricted and same with the FOV I feel like I’ve been incarcerated on console, so therefore add an option to choose to if you want aim assist or not. I think this will enhance gameplay for players all around on the console community and I feel it will attract the people who used to play destiny back to the unit of a console. Thanks for Reading.

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