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9/4/2017 12:37:38 AM

Can't Gain New Members in Clan

Long story short, I'm the Founder of the "Phoenician Gamers" clan and earlier this month I went a little 'trigger happy' with the invites to friends and people I've played with before on Xbox Live and PlayStation Network. And my gf who's going to play off Blizzard Batte Net. But anyhow, invites were sent out until I got a notification the my clan was full. Now of the (I dunno) 50(?) only a few that check their bungie profiles have joined since then. But now that they like the clan and want their friends to join they get the notification saying our clan is full. When we only have 15 active members, many of those the same people just on different platforms. Does anyone know of a way to cancel those recklessly sent invites or fix the false "full clan" issue???

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